
Showing posts from 2021

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 23: Alpha and Omega

Well, that was an unusually happy and peaceful season finale for Supernatural ! Here I was expecting violence and explosions and the slow death of the planet as the sun extinguished, and all we got was a twisting spiral of light and darkness rising into the sky! Some might be underwhelmed, but I can’t say that I was disappointed. I actually found this to be a very fitting end to season eleven. It was calm and moving and just beautiful overall. First of all, I love that the answer to the whole darkness, end-of-the-world problem was family. What an elegant solution! I wish God and Amara had figured that out before hundreds of people died in this season, but we’ll set that aside. It was really moving to see Dean argue against revenge and in favor of forgiveness and sticking with your family. It was such a lovely moment! I also enjoyed Amara’s slow realization that the world is in fact beautiful and worth saving. We so rarely get to see “villains” on Supernatural develop such a rounded an...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 22: We Happy Few

Okay Supernatural , you can’t just end an episode with all the characters staring at the sky, and then not show us what’s going on! That’s like the worst kind of cliff hanger. But, I guess it’s incentive to watch the next episode real quick and in a hurry! Seriously though, this was an excellent episode. I mean, Amara has basically defeated God and all his allies at this point and all of creation might be about to end. Plus, it looks like Lucifer is actually dead. How could it possibly be more dramatic? Talk about setting things up for the finale! Despite the fact that nothing worked to defeat Amara, I was pretty impressed that Lucifer and the Winchesters were able to convince witches, angels, and demons to participate in battling the Darkness. That being said, I think the witches would have been better served by going into the past, as Rowena suggested. I think getting their faces burned off by Amara’s power was a pretty poor return on their investment. Also, I liked Clea! I’m disappo...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 21: All in the Family

Okay, now THIS was a great episode! This season is really starting to get exciting. First of all, I love Donatello. He is a fantastic character! Plus, I always like when the Winchesters can turn a skeptic into a believer in the supernatural. It’s refreshing. Plus, we may have seen the last of Metatron in this episode. I’ve been waiting for the show to kill off Metatron for a few seasons now (seriously, could there be a more annoying character?), so excuse me while I do a happy dance because we might not have to deal with him ever again! Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Don’t get me wrong, I do think that Metatron was very noble and brave in this episode, and he went out the right way if he’s dead. However, in my eyes, he’s an irredeemable character. It’s as simple as that. Speaking of Metatron, his quest to rescue Lucifer with Sam, Dean, and Donatello was great television. I never thought I’d feel bad for Lucifer, but I was really glad that the Winchesters were able to get him out of Amara’...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 20: Don't Call Me Shurley

I don’t want to give myself too many props, but I always kind of suspected that Chuck was God. I mean, there was obviously something about him that was different, and his sudden disappearance and reappearance was suspicious. That being said, I have some quibbles about Chuck’s behavior as God. I mean, I think that’s kind of the point of the episode, right? No one wants or expects God to act in such a vain or narcissistic manner. (Although, I do support the blog with the photos of cats). The autobiography has to be one of the most obnoxious things ever! When you’re siding with Metatron in a situation, you know it has to be pretty bad. That being said, by the end of the episode Chuck had more or less redeemed himself. I’m obviously glad that he put everything back to normal and that Dean has the amulet back. Plus, I’m over the moon that God has arrived to help the Winchesters deal with Amara (at least, I assume he’s going to help them with Amara; it would be obnoxious if he didn’t). Speak...

Review: The Green Knight

What can I say about The Green Knight ? I think interesting is the best word to describe this film. Artistic, atmospheric, and experimental are also good candidates.  Before I go any further, I should note that I wanted to see  The Green Knight because I've read  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight a few times, and I like the story. So, I was curious about the movie. And I have to say that I'm not sure about the direction they took it in. I appreciate the challenges of translating a Medieval story into a modern context. I mean, narrative structures have changed a lot over the past few hundred years, and what made sense to fourteenth century readers doesn't always make sense to modern ones.  I appreciate that  The Green Knight captured some of the feeling of magic and the air of mysticism from the original text. However, I have to say that if I hadn't read the original text, I would have struggled to follow the movie.  As it is, there was a lot of symbolism and...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 19: The Chitters

 This. Episode. Was. HORRIFYING! Like, I thought the Soul Eaters a few episodes back were bad, but this was much, much worse. You have to hand it to the writers, they’re really bringing their A game with the scary stuff this season.  I can’t get that cave full of bones and carcasses out of my head. And that horrible chattering noise was just unbearable. And that glowing green egg inside that woman? UGH. Shudder. I already know that this is an episode that I’ll never be able to rewatch. It was just too disturbing.  That being said, I do have to give Supernatural props for coming up with a good premise for a “monster of the week” episode. This certainly ranks among the most creative and unique monsters that the show has come up with, and the present and past element of the episode was some really great story telling.  Speaking of which, I don’t think anyone could argue that Jesse and Matty’s story wasn’t absolutely heartbreaking. Matty’s death—and the fact that it was...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 18: Hell’s Angel

I can’t even express how happy I am that Rowena is alive. She was too good of a character to get killed off that quickly and easily. I should have known that they would bring her back! My girl Rowena is too smart to let the devil kill her. That spell she had inside her body was genius! Let’s just hope she has another backup plan because I have a feeling Amara is going to kill her again if she gets the chance. As much as I’m glad Rowena is on team Winchester, I have a feeling that sticking with Amara is probably safer right now. However, we should probably move on to the major plot points of the episode. I am very impressed with Crowley for finding another Hand of God. However, I’m not super surprised it didn’t kill Amara. Don’t get me wrong, I expected it to hurt her, but it would be too easy if it killed her. It would also be too easy if the Winchesters were able to exorcise Lucifer from Castiel just like that. It would be a bit underwhelming. That being said, I am very concerned for ...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 17: Red Meat

Okay, let’s be real, Sam should have died in this episode. I mean, he got shot, bleed out, suffocated, and then he revived and walked to his car while bleeding out again? I’m sorry, but the Winchesters are not bionic. There’s no way Sam should have walked away from that with a few stitches. That’s not to say that I’m not happy Sam is alive. Of course I am! The last thing we need is a dead Winchester who gets blasted into the outer darkness of oblivion. I’m just saying that all of this was a little too improbable. (Plus, Dean probably should have died too, if we’re being real about it). However, setting all of that aside, I have to say that this was a pretty gripping episode; it had me feeling legitimately anxious the entire time. The werewolves hunting Sam down through the woods, Corbin the other werewolf, and the reapers to boot. That was all very intense. Especially Corbin. That Corbin guy is a jerk, even for a werewolf. Trying to kill Sam when Sam was just trying to help him? That w...

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 3: Friday Night Bites (Review)

Ah! This episode! This episode is totally a classic . I mean, every teen show has to have a football episode, right? And, of course, the hero and the heroine have to be a football player and a cheerleader. Although, I’m pretty sure this episode marks the end of both of their high school sports careers. Let’s keep it real, all teen drama shows forget about school pretty quickly once things get rolling. Of course, the climax of the episode was when Damon kills Mr. Tanner, the history teacher and football coach. I know that this is supposed to make us dislike Damon, but Mr. Tanner is so unlikable I almost don’t care. Let’s keep it real, that guy is no great loss. He was weirdly aggressive towards his students, and he was a genuine jerk to everyone. Including Aunt Jenna! Like, come on now, Aunt Jenna is in a difficult situation and she’s doing her best. Plus, it’s not his place to give out parenting advice, especially not to a family that is grieving. Also, from an adult perspective, I no...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 16: Safe House

Oh my gosh! That episode was actually scary! Like, childhood nightmare, gives you the heebee-jeebees scary. I mean, I was genuinely uncomfortable watching this episode. It gave me this totally ominous feeling of badness that was genuinely disturbing. Give me Amara or Lucifer any day! I’d much rather deal with them. All the same, this episode was nostalgic in a good way. It really reminded me of good, old-fashioned season one Supernatural, when they were making a bigger effort to be actually scary (those jump-scares though!). Also, we can’t ignore how great it was to see Bobby again! Any episode that includes Bobby is a good ‘un in my book. And Rufus isn’t a bad addition either. I loved the flashbacks! Seriously, I would watch a whole season of Bobby and Rufus fighting monsters together. I also really enjoyed how the episode jumped back and forth between Bobby and Rufus’ investigation and the Winchester’s case. It was a weird but super fun mashup. If only Bobby had finished his notes; i...

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 2: The Night of the Comet (Review)

"I met a girl. We talked. It was epic.” That is such a quote! I had forgotten all about that classic Vampire Diaries utterance. I feel like it could be the tagline for the whole show. It’s also probably the most teenage sentence uttered in the entire show (that and “she’s big on texting.”). It makes me buy that Stefan and Elena are actually in high school. Honestly, that was probably the best moment of the episode for me. However, I should probably talk about what else happened. First of all, I want to comment on how the Salvatore house is absolutely GORGEOUS. Like, it’s so fancy and rich and moody and cozy, and it all just SCREAMS vampire to me. It’s so cool. Also, like, it’s HUGE. I’m surprised Zach has been able to take care of it on his own all this time. It would take all day just to clean that massive library, and the electricity bill would not be cheap. The things you think of when you’re a grownup. I also want to say that I feel bad for Matt. He gets a raw deal on this sh...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 15: Beyond the Mat

I love Crowley. Seriously, I don’t think I say it enough. He is a wonderful, hilarious, and super entertaining character. It would be weird not to like Crowley, and he is certainly the star of this episode. I love that he double crossed the demon who double crossed him. It was such a classically Machievelian Crowley thing to do! If only the Hand of God hadn’t given out at the last moment, we would have one less Lucifer to deal with! As it is, I’m impressed that Crowley managed to free himself and get away with relatively little effort. The King of Hell is back! Bravo! Also, it’s good to see Crowley out of the dog cage. He just didn’t look right without his classy black suit! On the other hand, I’m also impressed with Lucifer. Well, to be more accurate, I’m impressed by Misha Collins. Even though he has the same clothes and outward appearance, you can immediately tell that you’re dealing with Lucifer and not Castiel when he walks into a scene. He plays Lucifer brilliantly and manages to...

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot (Review)

Note: This review may contain spoilers for future The Vampire Diaries episodes. When The Vampire Diaries first came out in 2009, I was all over it. Which makes sense because, at the time, I was the target audience for the show. I was about fifteen years old, I had read Twilight, and I was definitely part of the pop culture craze for moody, vampire dramas. For me, The Vampire Diaries instantly became appointment viewing. Every Thursday night at eight, I made sure to be in the living room with the TV tuned to the CW (remember when you actually had to watch things at the time they aired to see them? Crazy, right? It makes me wonder how anyone ever followed a TV show, but I guess I managed it). Anyway, I watched The Vampire Diaries religiously for a couple of years, and then slowly started to lose interest. I probably made it through the first three seasons before I decided it was too much teen *drama* for me and lost interest (or maybe I just couldn’t get to the TV at eight o’clock an...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 14: The Vessel

So, I guess this is Supernatural’s answer to Titanic , huh? All it needed was a rendition of “My Heart Will Go On.” (Although, that might have been incongruous with a divine underwater explosion.) Seriously though, this was a pretty sad episode. It was tragic that those men and Delphine died on that submarine for basically no reason. None of those soldiers asked to be involved in a cosmic, divine war, and Delphine was basically just following orders. And, now that we know that the Hand of God isn’t useful anymore, it seems like their sacrifice was kind of a waste. (At least they killed the Thule though; I really hate those guys). I mean, I think the Hand of God isn’t useful anymore. We only have Lucifer’s word for it, and maybe God’s power wouldn’t work for him anyway. I hope that the boys find a way to use the Ark of the Covenant later on; it seems like this episode would be kind of a waste if they didn’t. (Although, I’m also not keen to see Sam or Dean absorbed by the awesome power...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 13: Love Hurts

Not gonna lie, this episode felt like filler to me. I’m not saying it was a bad episode or anything like that, but nothing about it really stood out to me. Plus, aside from Dean’s encounter with qareen Amara, there was nothing really related to the main plot of the season in this episode. And, let’s be real, we all already knew that Amara was Dean’s deepest, darkest desire. The only surprising thing about this episode was that Dean actually told Sam that Amara was his dark desire. Normally that’s something he would lie about. So, it only took eleven seasons for Sam and Dean to learn that open and honest communication is a desirable thing. What a shock. Otherwise, I was quite tickled by the fact that the super powerful, qareen conjuring witch was a hairdresser. It just seems so ordinary! Although, I couldn’t understand why Sonja kept all her magical stuff in her shop. If I were her, I would have that qareen’s heart in a safety deposit box or in a Swiss bank vault. I also didn’t really u...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 12: Don't You Forget About Me

Now this was a good episode! In fact, it was the best episode of Supernatural that I’ve seen in a long time. It was just such a joy to see the Winchesters spending time with Jody, Claire, and Alex. If the boys have any family left, it’s the three of them! The entire episode was very emotionally satisfying. It was so just refreshing to see a family dynamic that doesn’t just involve the two brothers picking at each other. Instead, we got to see high school drama, argumentative teenagers, and an exhausted parent (I guess Sam and Dean are the fun uncles in this situation). Like I said, it’s refreshing! It was so fun (and also a little annoying) to see Claire and Alex argue over high school teen drama and boyfriends. It reminded me of the YA books and TV shows that I used to watch as a kid. Plus, I love seeing Jody play the mom. I love her and what she’s doing for Alex and Claire. She really is the Supernatural MVP! In terms of the actual mystery, I thought this episode was pretty good. I g...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 11: Into the Mystic

That Lucifer, he’s tricky isn’t he? I don’t know what I expected, but even I was surprised by the degree of deception that he displayed. I guess they don’t call him the Prince of Lies for nothing! However, despite all of his tricks, using Dean to draw Amara out is not the worst idea for getting rid of her. I mean, he’s the only person that she has any sort of emotional connection to. You could say that he’s her only weakness. All the same, it’s really tough to see Lucifer walk around in Cas’s body. It’s so creepy to see that devilish gleam in his eyes! I have to hand it to Misha Collins; he’s an excellent actor. Somehow, he manages to play Lucifer playing Castiel with aplomb. I’m actually really impressed. It’s a superb performance. Aside from the main plot points of the episode, the “monster of the week” was also pretty interesting. I don’t think we’ve had a banshee on Supernatural before, and it certainly created an interesting plot. The final scene where they killed the monster was...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 10: The Devil in the Details

Who would have thought that the devil could be so persuasive?  I mean, I guess they call him the Prince of Lies for a reason, but I was surprised by how reasonable and plausible some of his arguments were. He even had me believing him for half a second! I guess that’s because every good lie has a grain of truth. And, Lucifer was correct about a lot of the things that he said. The worst thing that Sam ever did was not looking for Dean after he went to purgatory, and Sam has been guilty of a lot of selfishness and bad decisions. Lucifer was very smart to take that approach with Sam; it was much more likely to work than torture.  However, that doesn’t mean that letting Lucifer in was the correct thing to do. I’m very, very, VERY glad that Sam had the willpower and strength to say no to Lucifer. However, I’m very surprised that Cas was stupid enough to say yes to him. He should know better! I’m guessing that what Ambriel said about being expendable got to him. All the same, I thin...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 9: O Brother Where Art Thou?

This episode was fantastically weird. The entire time I was watching it, I was thinking “this is such a strange episode.” However, it was also fantastically good!  First of all, I think we need to talk about Dean and Amara’s relationship. They have got some kind of bond that I absolutely cannot understand in any way. It’s both fascinating and also sort of weird and disturbing. However, it’s much less disturbing now that Amara has an adult body and isn’t a little girl anymore.  Speaking of Amara, she is REALLY getting scary. If lightning strikes and water turning into blood wasn’t bad enough, killing those angels certainly was. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that God’s sister has that much power, but it is freaky to see someone destroy angels so easily. (Not that I’m the biggest fan of angels or anything like that). On the flip side, Rowena was the biggest ray of sunshine in this episode. She really does make every episode that she’s in awesome. I loved watching her crush o...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 8: Just My Imagination

I never had an imaginary friend when I was a kid, but this episode makes me wish that was different. I guess not having an imaginary friend means that I was a stable and well-adjusted child. However, I have to admit that I would have enjoyed having a mermaid companion to accompany me to the swimming pool. One thing’s for sure, the Zanna are nothing if not fun. In fact, I think fun is the theme of this episode (you know, if you discount the emotional turmoil and the horrific murders). I really enjoyed this episode. It’s always refreshing to meet “monsters” that aren’t all that monstrous. I would really like to see the Zanna in future episodes; they’re fascinating characters, and they have so much commitment to bringing children happiness. The plot of this episode was also really interesting. The idea of an imaginary friend serial killer makes quite a story. Compared to all the drama and darkness that we’ve seen on this show, this episode was practically light and cheery. There’s nothin...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 7: Plush

Man, this episode was SO CREEPY! Just when I thought Supernatural couldn’t throw anything else at me, they had to introduce a psycho killer in the most blood-curdling bunny mask I’ve ever seen. And the fact that it didn’t come off makes it even worse.  Shockingly, I think it was scarier than either of the killer clowns in this episode. The deer mask was the least scary of them all. Although, of course, all the murders were as scary as can be.  The plot, however, didn’t make complete sense to me. For example, if the sister really believed that her brother hurt her son, why didn’t she confront him? Why didn’t she go to the police? Anything would have made more sense than asking two random guys to threaten her brother and rough him up a bit. How does that solve the problem? Especially because it seems that he probably didn’t hurt the kids. It was just completely illogical.  On the bright side, I really enjoyed seeing Sheriff Donna again. She’s so fun! I love her Midwestern ...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 6: Our Little World

Okay, I’ll come out and say it: I have no idea what’s going on between Dean and Amara. I’m not sure I want to understand it. I don’t even think that Dean and Amara understand it themselves. It’s super weird, but also fascinating. I’m also terrified of Amara. I mean, how could you not be scared of someone who can break Crowley’s arm with barely a twitch of her finger. I mean, I guess she’s God’s sister, so that explains it. Seriously, how crazy is that? Who would have thunk that God had a sister. I guess it makes some sense. The two siblings are opposites: light and dark, creation and destruction, order and chaos. It’s all about duality, I suppose. Anyway, I guess Amara is free now, and I’m sure she’ll leave a trail of soulless humans behind her. (By the way, I find it interesting that the Darkness can only grow by feeding on God’s creation). I still don’t really understand what her final goal is, but I do agree that Sam and Dean should probably kill her as soon as possible. Whether or...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 5: Thin Lizzie

Well, this episode was creepy. Call me crazy, but I’m not a fan of axe murder episodes. It’s just not my forte. However, I did enjoy that this episode had more of a “monster of the week” feel. I miss those episodes. Times were simpler when the Winchesters only had to worry about nests of vampires and rogue werewolves. Anyway, I thought this episode had a good premise. I mean, the ghost infested home of a notorious murderer is right up Supernatural’s alley. Although, like I said, it was a little too gory for me. The actual story of Lizzie Borden is creepy enough to me. I didn’t have to see the murders reenacted in her actual house with weird photographs on the walls and doilies everywhere. I was actually pretty relieved that the babysitter was the murderer, and that the boys didn’t have to deal with Lizzie’s ghost. Nope. Instead it was only Amara. Woo-hoo. Amara grows more and more mysterious (and more and more scary) with each passing episode. There’s nothing freakier than watching he...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 4: Baby

I have to hand it to Supernatural , this was a creative episode. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a story told from the perspective of a car. And, I’ve certainly never seen a story told from the perspective of a car that got smashed to pieces! Poor Baby! Dean’s going to have his work cut out for him to repair all that damage. It’s almost as bad as when Baby got totaled at the end of season one! However, on the whole, this was a fun episode. After all the DRAMA this show has inflicted upon its viewers, it’s nice to see the boys just hunting and saving people. It’s been a WHILE since we had a good, old-fashioned monster of the week episode. And, what a monster it was! The Nachzehrers were so gruesome and horrifying, they were almost ridiculous. The idea of a ghoul-vampire cross is just so icky and over the top. I can’t get the image of the severed head on the windshield out of my mind. It made me want to laugh and scream at the same time (although, mostly I wanted to laugh). The head in the ...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 3: The Bad Seed

We’ve seen Lilith, Lucifer, and archangels on this show, but I think Amara puts them all to shame. She is more frightening than any of them. I can’t figure out what to make of her, and that’s probably the scariest thing of all. I mean, Amara wants to eat souls. I get that. (Bone-chilling as it is). But what is her ultimate goal? What plan does the Darkness have for Earth? Does it even have a goal? I still struggle to understand the Darkness as a sentient being. My impression is that the Darkness existed before sentience. Yet, she is a person. A human. Or, at least, she is humanoid. None of it makes much sense. But it is all fascinating . I really want the show to explain and explore Amara’s character in more detail. Right now, all I really know is that she disdains Crowley’s gifts (I mean, that dress did have blood on it), she grows fast, she doesn’t like having a nanny, she’s afraid of God, and she’s always hungry. The last part is the most important. I want more knowledge about Amara...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 2: Form and Void

Here I was thinking that Amara was going to be a nice, sweet little girl. Turns out, she’s a soul eating monster! Who would have thunk it? Needless to say, I’m a bit concerned that she’s wandering free in the world, and I’m going to be even more concerned if she takes up with Crowley. The last thing we need is an army of demons serving the Darkness. However, I do have a feeling that little Amara is going to be much tougher to deal with than Crowley realizes. Speaking of Amara, I am intrigued by the idea that she might be the woman in the Darkness that Dean saw in episode one. I suppose if you’re a primordial force of nature, you don’t have to abide by the normal rules that govern time and space. I suppose it would be a little crazy if the darkness took the form of two people. It doesn’t seem like the sort of force or power that you can share. The way she relates to Dean is also fascinating (and pretty terrifying)! Speaking of pretty terrifying, what happened to Jenna and her grandmothe...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 1: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

Oh my goodness, THIS SHOW! The drama is almost too much for me. We’ve only had Dean free from the mark for five minutes, and now Sam is infected with some sort of dark, contagious zombie disease. Can they never keep out of trouble???? (That is, if fighting the primordial Darkness that has swamped the world counts as keeping out of trouble.) All I can say is that Sam and Dean better find a cure pretty quick. I don’t think I can handle another whole season of one Winchester trying to save the life of the other one; it’s too dramatic! Now that Sam has the Darkness disease, I’m convinced that there must be some sort of cure out there. I doubt the show is going to let Sam die just a couple of hours into season eleven. If it wasn’t for that, I would have been pretty well convinced that this zombie-ish disease was completely fatal. When Sam started talking about saving the people who were attacking the hospital, I thought he was absolutely crazy! At the risk of undervaluing Sam’s gallantry, I...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 23: Brother’s Keeper

Well, that was DUMB. And, I don’t mean that from a storytelling perspective. I mean that the choices the characters made in this episode were dumb . Everyone behaved stupidly . Maybe I have an unpopular opinion on this episode (it’s happened many times before), but I think there were so many different ways to avoid getting into this situation. None of this was a foregone conclusion. The whole time I was watching, I was yelling “what are you doing!” at the screen. First of all, Sam’s decision to continue working on removing the mark against Dean’s wishes was very high-handed (as I mentioned in my last review). I don’t even think he told Dean that he was working with Rowena, which Dean really should have known. However, Sam’s decision to pursue removing the mark regardless of the consequences was positively idiotic. As much as I love Dean Winchester, freeing him from the mark isn’t worth destroying the world. Sam’s refusal to imagine that removing the mark might actually be worse than t...

Movie Reviews: Emma (2020)

I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of everything Jane Austen. I love the novels, and I enjoy the movie and television adaptations of her stories almost as much. So, when I realized that there was a new adaptation of Austen's 1815 novel Emma , I knew I had to watch it right away.  First of all, I have to say that this is a beautiful movie. You can tell there was a huge budget for costumes and sets. The whole movie was a visual feast for the eyes. I was particularly in love with Emma's clothes and all her beautiful hats.  Hartfield was also particularly beautiful. For some reason, I really noticed the carpets in the house. They were gorgeous. I was also in love with Emma's little greenhouse. Hartfield in general really gave the sense of a grand and comfortable house. Plus, I have to note that Donwell Abbey was equally grand and impressive. In a weird way, I was also particularly impressed by Highbury's little haberdashery shop, Ford's. That set was jus...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 22: The Prisoner

Okay. The show has now convinced me that Dean is going off the rails. However, I’m not saying that for the reasons that Sam and Cas have been putting forward. I’m only saying it because he 1) beat up Cas and 2) killed the youngest Styne kid. Up until this point, I think Dean’s actions have been pretty logical. True, he’s been a bit more aggressive and amped up then he would be normally. However, he wasn’t really out of control; he seemed to be keeping the mark more or less in check. For instance, in this episode, Sam and Cas freak out because Dean brutally murdered the Stynes., if he hadn’t murdered the Stynes, what were the Winchesters going to do with them? They are a powerful magical family who carve people up for spare parts and were planning to torch the bunker and use Dean as a medical lab rat. Plus, let’s not forget that they murdered Charlie! Those people needed killing. I do think that Dean should have left the kid alive. However, I also think there’s a plausible ra...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 21: Dark Dynasty

Okay, I’m just going to say it: EVERYTHING 👏 THAT 👏 HAPPENED 👏 IN 👏 THIS 👏 EPISODE 👏 WAS 👏 SAM’S 👏 FAULT. Seriously, I am ENRAGED with him. Charlie is DEAD because of him! The whole situation just made me so angry! I mean, Sam has thrown caution to the winds and deceived Dean in some very drought and dangerous situations, all in the service of removing the Mark of Cain, which Dean is managing very well at the moment! That’s not to say that Dean should have the mark long term, but it’s not a hair on fire emergency right now. Besides which, Dean has resigned himself to it, and that should mean something to Sam. Sam has berated Dean for not letting him make his own decisions so many times. So, why isn’t he allowing Dean to make his own decision here? The hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING. The inconsistency in Sam’s character is the thing I like least about this show. To me, it makes it really tough to like Sam. He is very fickle. Anyway, I digress. I will stop my Sam rant. As I’ve already i...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart

I’m pleased to say that I actually really enjoyed this episode! In my opinion, there have been a lot of underwhelming or otherwise unpleasant episodes this season, so this one was a pleasant surprise. First of all, seeing Claire safe takes a huge weight off my mind. Cas and the Winchesters left her in a pretty precarious state (both physically and emotionally) the last time she was on the show, so it’s a relief to see that she’s managing to take care of herself. I’m also happy to know that she’s on much better terms with the Winchesters and with Castiel after this episode. I feel confident that she will reach out to them if she’s in trouble, and that’s as much as anyone can ask for. I’m also relieved to hear that she’s going to be staying with Jody Mills. (I actually think I suggested that the last time I reviewed an episode involving Claire.) I think that being with Jody would be the perfect, grounding experience that Claire needs; plus, I have a feeling that they’ll really get along....

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 19: The Werther Project

Not gonna lie, that episode was pretty disturbing. Like, it was DARK (even by Supernatural standards). I found the idea of the Saint Louis suicide house to be completely bone-chilling, and the machinations of the Werther box were positively sadistic. I felt so horrible for Suzie; the idea of her living in that horrible house for decades and spending her whole life guarding that box is really sad. In short, the actual plot of this episode was really distressing and difficult to watch. However, it was even more difficult to watch Sam deceive Dean. Now, I know that Dean has deceived Sam in the past, but what Sam is doing is much, much worse. Not only is he lying to Dean, he’s lying about BIG things, and he’s involving dangerous and unpredictable people. (Metatron, cough. Rowena, cough.) Dean’s lies to Sam were never so involved, and they didn’t really involve others. Meanwhile, Sam has a whole ulterior plot going on that’s focused on lying to Dean. What gives? Besides which, I have no dou...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 18: Book of the Damned

Well, this episode was INTERESTING. First of all, I have to say that I think Sam is wrong and Dean is right. Nothing good can come out of that book. Even if they successfully get the mark off of Dean, it sounds like some sort of equally evil magic (or more evil!) is going to be the result. Plus, since Sam didn’t destroy the book, the Styne family is going to keep coming for it! Don’t get me wrong, they seem like good villains, but we already have enough problems in this season without adding additional villains. Speaking of villains, I can’t BELIEVE that Sam is trusting Rowena (even though he says he’s not trusting Rowena, he is trusting Rowena, let’s be real). I need Sam to understand that Rowena is much smarter and craftier than he thinks she is. She’s going to trick him and get the better of him. It’s almost guaranteed. Seriously, asking Rowena for help is a BAD, bad idea. Asking Metatron for help was bad enough, but asking Rowena to translate the Book of the Damned is even crazier...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 17: Inside Man

Seeing Bobby in Heaven has got to be the best part of season ten. Who didn’t love seeing him drinking a beer in his old scruffy hat? Also, sitting in a cozy library listening to music seems pretty heavenly to me. I think Bobby has created a very nice little paradise for himself. Kidding aside, I have to admit that this episode had a lot of NICE moments. The writers of Supernatural must have heard me complaining in my last review and decided to show me up. I was pleasantly surprised by the direction of this episode! It feels like this season is finally starting to re-focus itself. Aside from Bobby’s heaven, I loved Dean’s little speech to Crowley about family. It made me wonder if Dean and Crowley are family now. It kind of seems that way! It’s also weird to see Dean looking out for Crowley. Oh how the tables have turned! I think some of the human blood really did change Crowley. He’s certainly more in touch with his sensitive side now! I also really enjoyed watching him throw Rowena o...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 16: Paint it Black

Okay, I’m going to be honest here, I really disliked this episode. I just found the entire plot to be boring, irrelevant, and flat. I didn’t care about Isabella’s story of murdering an artist in sixteenth century Italy, and I didn’t care about her ghostly drama—which took up a large chunk of the episode. It was also pretty unclear why she decided to kill the people that she killed. It seemed a bit random. There wasn’t a clear motive there. I’m also so, so tired of hearing about the Mark of Cain. We’re not making any progress on this issue; there’s no solution in sight. So, I don’t need to hear Sam worrying about it every three minutes. Let’s give it a rest for a few episodes. I did find it interesting that Sister Mathias routinely works with ghosts to help them cross over to the other side, but we only got a little glimpse of that. I also would have enjoyed a little more Rowena in this episode. She is FASCINATING. Like Ruby and Bella before her, Rowena is a character you can love to ha...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 15: The Things They Carried

I don’t think I can deal with another episode like this. It was too gross! Like, I’m sorry, but I don’t need to see blood-sucking worms coming out of people’s mouths! Even for Supernatural , it was a bit over the top. In fact, I watched this episode with my roommate, and she was literally gagging during some parts of this episode. I’m not going to lie, the repulsiveness of it all kind of ruined my enjoyment of “The Things They Carried.” The electrocution scene and the various grisly murders sprinkled throughout this episode didn’t help either. Okay, let me set aside my disgust to talk about the actual plot of this episode. I was not terribly impressed by the storyline of “The Things They Carried.” It just didn’t grab my interest, and, overall, I thought it relied too much on gore. I was also a bit confused that the khan worm was present here. It seems like the soldiers picked up the worm in Iraq on their final mission. That’s weird because Eve only created that monster a few years ago ...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 14: The Executioner's Song

Honestly, I’m not sure how to feel about this episode. First of all, I have no idea what the last line meant: “Dean’s in trouble.” Absolutely nothing has changed in Dean’s situation since the last episode, so what does that mean? How is he in more trouble now? If anything, Dean seems to be more in control than he was previously. Plus, he survived killing Cain. So how is he in trouble? Sometimes, I think Supernatural gets itself into trouble by creating all of this unnecessary drama. They can only tease Dean’s death so many times before it loses all its emotional punch and credibility. Plus, the drama associated with having the mark is starting to get old. Cain’s death, however, was an interesting plot twist. I didn’t see it coming. Since he was planning to kill 10% of the world’s population, it was the correct thing to do. Although, I can’t really quibble with his desire to get rid of people like Tommy Tolliver. If he had stopped there, probably no one would have had a problem. Cain’s...

Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 13: Halt & Catch Fire

Wow this episode was GRUESOME. While there is a lot of disturbing stuff on Supernatural , most episodes of the show don’t actually scare me. HOWEVER, this episode was pretty scary. The deaths alone were bloodcurdling and bone-chilling (death by loud music has got to be one of the worst ways to die), and the ghost was worse! Supernatural’s special effects team is pretty talented. They really made that guy look like he had been burned to death. The idea of a murderous ghost using the internet to stalk his victims adds an extra level of horror and creepiness. In fact, I think the scariest part of the episode was when the navigation software told the girlfriend to get out of the car. It made my blood run cold. It’s also pretty scary to realize that the internet can reach you almost anywhere. I just hope that I don’t run into any tech savvy ghosts! On the whole, this episode seemed like a throwback to earlier seasons of Supernatural . It particularly reminded me of the “Bloody Mary” and “...