Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 7: Plush

Man, this episode was SO CREEPY! Just when I thought Supernatural couldn’t throw anything else at me, they had to introduce a psycho killer in the most blood-curdling bunny mask I’ve ever seen. And the fact that it didn’t come off makes it even worse. 

Shockingly, I think it was scarier than either of the killer clowns in this episode. The deer mask was the least scary of them all. Although, of course, all the murders were as scary as can be. 

The plot, however, didn’t make complete sense to me. For example, if the sister really believed that her brother hurt her son, why didn’t she confront him? Why didn’t she go to the police? Anything would have made more sense than asking two random guys to threaten her brother and rough him up a bit. How does that solve the problem? Especially because it seems that he probably didn’t hurt the kids. It was just completely illogical. 

On the bright side, I really enjoyed seeing Sheriff Donna again. She’s so fun! I love her Midwestern cheerfulness and long vowels. I hope that she finds happiness with her second Doug, and I definitely hope that we see her again on the show.

Overall, I think this was a fun—although horrifying—episode. True, we didn’t have many advancements in the overarching season plot, but I don’t necessarily mind that. It’s nice to have just a “monster of the week” episode now and again. Plus, I’m not loving watching Sam’s visions. They’re super scary. I’m not sure I want to hear more about them, but I’m sure I will. 

Oh well. We’ll deal with that in the next episode. For now, I’ll just leave you with Donna’s words: “Your life’s one big poop storm.” I think that describes the Winchesters’ situation pretty accurately. 

Rating: 7/10


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