Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 23: Brother’s Keeper

Well, that was DUMB. And, I don’t mean that from a storytelling perspective. I mean that the choices the characters made in this episode were dumb. Everyone behaved stupidly.

Maybe I have an unpopular opinion on this episode (it’s happened many times before), but I think there were so many different ways to avoid getting into this situation. None of this was a foregone conclusion. The whole time I was watching, I was yelling “what are you doing!” at the screen.

First of all, Sam’s decision to continue working on removing the mark against Dean’s wishes was very high-handed (as I mentioned in my last review). I don’t even think he told Dean that he was working with Rowena, which Dean really should have known. However, Sam’s decision to pursue removing the mark regardless of the consequences was positively idiotic. As much as I love Dean Winchester, freeing him from the mark isn’t worth destroying the world. Sam’s refusal to imagine that removing the mark might actually be worse than the mark itself was really, really frustrating.

So, now we have an all-powerful Rowena and the forces of primordial darkness loose on the Earth. Great. Fantastic. Just what this show needed.

The whole situation reminded me of when Sam accidentally started the apocalypse. However, this was not an accident. This was willful and intentional. It makes me SO angry.

That being said, this episode and the end of the previous episode did convince me that Dean was going off the rails. I didn’t think his behavior was too worrying before, but something clearly snapped when Charlie died. (However, let’s note for the record that Charlie wouldn’t have died if Cas and Sam hadn’t interfered, so this situation still could have been avoided).

Clearly, Dean’s behavior couldn’t have continued unchecked. However, I think Death’s idea of sending him someplace where he could live without hurting anyone was a pretty good suggestion. In practical terms, it ticks all the boxes. It sucks for the characters on the emotional level, and it would have been bad for the show from a plot perspective, but the idea was very logical, and I think it would have worked. I don’t think Sam needed to die for the plan to work, but that’s neither here nor there.

Instead, however, Dean killed Death (which is CRAZY by the way. How is that even possible? Will no one on Earth die now? If so, that might pose a BIG problem.)

I assume they’ll be dealing with that particular issue in the next season. Although, I imagine that most of season eleven will focus on dealing with the darkness and Rowena.

How no one figured out that Rowena might use the magic in the book for herself is beyond me. It was the most obvious thing in the world! That being said, she is an enjoyable villain. I look forward to more sassy remarks in a Scottish accent.

Rating: 6/10


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