Peaky Blinders: Season 2 Episode 1 Review

Okay, I cannot tell a lie, I was not the biggest fan of this episode. Like, don't get me wrong, it's still Peaky Blinders , so it's automatically better than like 90% of shows out there, but this was not its best moment. In my opinion, anyway. First of all, I am supremely annoyed by the time jump. Like, I don't mind when shows do time jumps when nothing much happens, but it seemed like a LOT happened here. First of all, Freddie died offscreen?????????? I cannot express to you how much I am NOT okay with that. I'm guessing there was some issue with the actor's contract because I can't imagine that the writers would choose to kill a major character offscreen. Like, that was so un-cool. At the very least, we earned a dramatic death scene and a wake in the Garrison! Also, it appears that Ada and Freddie were living in London. So, if they were okay with that, why did Freddie refuse to leave Birmingham in season one??? I am retroactively frustrated wit...