Peaky Blinders: Season 2 Episode 6 Review
Oh my goodness, THE DRAMA!
As I was watching this episode, I actually had to pause a couple of times to let the sheer dramatic-ness of the situations wash over me.
It was just all so DRAMATIC.
Okay, let me take a deep breath, and then we can actually talk about the episode.
First things first, Tommy and Grace are getting married! What gift should I send to the wedding, I am so unbelievably happy for them. Well, I think I'm mostly happy for Tommy, but Grace can get a share of that too. At least, I assume they're getting married. Tommy said it out loud, which means it will eventually come true. Although, I'm not sure if Grace knows they're getting married yet.
And what are they going to do about that nice man from Poughkeepsie???????
The other problem with this situation is Grace only seemed interested in getting back with Tommy after she knew she was pregnant with his baby. Like, did she not love him before she knew that?? Or, maybe the pregnancy was just the psychological push she needed to go back to Tommy? Whatever, I don't care about the reason; I'm just glad they're back together.
Also, who didn't just GASP when Grace said she was pregnant?????? That was one of those moments when I had to pause the episode and yell out "THE DRAMA!"
Speaking of DRAMA, I lost count of how many women are in love with Tommy in this episode. I think the final count was three. Was it completely over the top? Yes, but in the best possible way. Also, can you blame them? I mean, have you seen Cillian Murphy's cheekbones?
Of course, I don't know how Lizzy is going to feel about Tommy after all of this because, keeping it real, he really betrayed her trust in this episode. Like, who didn't feel absolutely horrible for Lizzy in this episode? First, she tries to tell Tommy that she loves him, and he's not even listening to her. Then, he doesn't show up in time, so Lizzy gets raped. Obviously Tommy didn't intend for that to happen, but doesn't really seem to realize or care about what he forced Lizzy to go through. Like, as much as I like him as a character, the way he treated Lizzy in this episode is pretty unforgivable.
On the other hand, Polly got quite possibly the most satisfying revenge ever in this episode. Her scene with Campbell in this episode had me feeling some type of way. First of all, when Campbell started talking to her about love and having a place in his heart, I couldn't believe it. Like, I was literally stunned by the words coming out of his mouth. Where does he get off talking to Polly about how he loves her or whatever??? That guy is seriously, seriously twisted if he actually believes that. Also, how DARE he say stuff like that to her after what he did to her in the last episode?? Campbell best be grateful that Polly didn't find a more painful way to kill him when he was was taking comments like THAT.
The important thing, however, is that Polly did shoot him, and I'm almost completely sure he's actually dead this time. When Polly walked out of that phone booth with the spot of blood on her jacket, I was just like, "YAS QUEEN!!!!" And when she delivered her final line, "Don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders," I think I might have actually applauded. In case you can't tell, I really, really hate that guy. If he turns up in season three with another cane and more of his smug, self-satisfied expressions, I might throw a fit.
Anyway, back to all the women who are in love with Tommy. I feel kind of bad for May in this episode (especially when she brought that pretty red dress just for Tommy!). I mean, you can't feel too bad for her because Tommy was completely straight with her about the nature of their relationship and he even told her about Grace. However, I like May as a character, and I like her friendship with Tommy, and it sucks to see her think she's been rejected (although it might console her to learn that our friend Tommy almost certainly would have met her after the race if he hadn't been nabbed by Red Hand operatives).
I also liked that Grace and May had an opportunity to meet and talk in this episode. That was a REALLY interesting interaction, if you ask me. The only thing that could have made the episode better was if Tommy walked up at that exact moment. Even after all the difficult things he's had to do in this season, I think the hardest thing for him would be thinking of what to say to the two of them together.
But, quite possibly the best scene in the episode came at the end when Tommy was almost executed by the Red Hand (quite an appropriate name for this show, yes?). The way Cillian Murphy acted that scene was just OUT OF THIS WORLD. I've said it before, but will someone please give that man an Emmy? Like, jeez that was good! When he started yelling at the sky, I had chills, even though I knew he was going to live because there are like at least four more seasons of this show.
In relation to this plot point, I gotta say that I'm pretty bored with Churchill's involvement in this show. Tommy does not need to be a secret assassin for the British government. That's over the top even for me! Also, I feel like that was the most boring aspect of the plot this season. I'm not interested in seeing Tommy doing back room deals with shady politicians and intentionally vague dialogue. I want to see him taking over night clubs and seducing race horse owners (although not if he's getting serious with Grace).
On a totally unrelated note, I really hope that all of the actors are smoking fake cigarettes in this show. I think that's kind of standard practice for film sets, but I really hope they're doing that for PB because Tommy smokes like a chimney. Seriously, in two seasons, has there been one scene that included Tommy in which he wasn't smoking? I don't think there has. I'm guessing it's some sort of coping mechanism that helps him deal with his PTSD. But, like I said, I hope the smokes are fake, because Cillian Murphy is too good of an actor to get lung cancer.
Anyway, that's all for season two. I am BEYOND excited to dive into season three, so more reviews will be on the way soon.
Rating: 10/10
As I was watching this episode, I actually had to pause a couple of times to let the sheer dramatic-ness of the situations wash over me.
It was just all so DRAMATIC.
Okay, let me take a deep breath, and then we can actually talk about the episode.
First things first, Tommy and Grace are getting married! What gift should I send to the wedding, I am so unbelievably happy for them. Well, I think I'm mostly happy for Tommy, but Grace can get a share of that too. At least, I assume they're getting married. Tommy said it out loud, which means it will eventually come true. Although, I'm not sure if Grace knows they're getting married yet.
And what are they going to do about that nice man from Poughkeepsie???????
The other problem with this situation is Grace only seemed interested in getting back with Tommy after she knew she was pregnant with his baby. Like, did she not love him before she knew that?? Or, maybe the pregnancy was just the psychological push she needed to go back to Tommy? Whatever, I don't care about the reason; I'm just glad they're back together.
Also, who didn't just GASP when Grace said she was pregnant?????? That was one of those moments when I had to pause the episode and yell out "THE DRAMA!"
Speaking of DRAMA, I lost count of how many women are in love with Tommy in this episode. I think the final count was three. Was it completely over the top? Yes, but in the best possible way. Also, can you blame them? I mean, have you seen Cillian Murphy's cheekbones?
Of course, I don't know how Lizzy is going to feel about Tommy after all of this because, keeping it real, he really betrayed her trust in this episode. Like, who didn't feel absolutely horrible for Lizzy in this episode? First, she tries to tell Tommy that she loves him, and he's not even listening to her. Then, he doesn't show up in time, so Lizzy gets raped. Obviously Tommy didn't intend for that to happen, but doesn't really seem to realize or care about what he forced Lizzy to go through. Like, as much as I like him as a character, the way he treated Lizzy in this episode is pretty unforgivable.
On the other hand, Polly got quite possibly the most satisfying revenge ever in this episode. Her scene with Campbell in this episode had me feeling some type of way. First of all, when Campbell started talking to her about love and having a place in his heart, I couldn't believe it. Like, I was literally stunned by the words coming out of his mouth. Where does he get off talking to Polly about how he loves her or whatever??? That guy is seriously, seriously twisted if he actually believes that. Also, how DARE he say stuff like that to her after what he did to her in the last episode?? Campbell best be grateful that Polly didn't find a more painful way to kill him when he was was taking comments like THAT.
The important thing, however, is that Polly did shoot him, and I'm almost completely sure he's actually dead this time. When Polly walked out of that phone booth with the spot of blood on her jacket, I was just like, "YAS QUEEN!!!!" And when she delivered her final line, "Don’t fuck with the Peaky Blinders," I think I might have actually applauded. In case you can't tell, I really, really hate that guy. If he turns up in season three with another cane and more of his smug, self-satisfied expressions, I might throw a fit.
Anyway, back to all the women who are in love with Tommy. I feel kind of bad for May in this episode (especially when she brought that pretty red dress just for Tommy!). I mean, you can't feel too bad for her because Tommy was completely straight with her about the nature of their relationship and he even told her about Grace. However, I like May as a character, and I like her friendship with Tommy, and it sucks to see her think she's been rejected (although it might console her to learn that our friend Tommy almost certainly would have met her after the race if he hadn't been nabbed by Red Hand operatives).
I also liked that Grace and May had an opportunity to meet and talk in this episode. That was a REALLY interesting interaction, if you ask me. The only thing that could have made the episode better was if Tommy walked up at that exact moment. Even after all the difficult things he's had to do in this season, I think the hardest thing for him would be thinking of what to say to the two of them together.
But, quite possibly the best scene in the episode came at the end when Tommy was almost executed by the Red Hand (quite an appropriate name for this show, yes?). The way Cillian Murphy acted that scene was just OUT OF THIS WORLD. I've said it before, but will someone please give that man an Emmy? Like, jeez that was good! When he started yelling at the sky, I had chills, even though I knew he was going to live because there are like at least four more seasons of this show.
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Give that Man an Emmy |
In relation to this plot point, I gotta say that I'm pretty bored with Churchill's involvement in this show. Tommy does not need to be a secret assassin for the British government. That's over the top even for me! Also, I feel like that was the most boring aspect of the plot this season. I'm not interested in seeing Tommy doing back room deals with shady politicians and intentionally vague dialogue. I want to see him taking over night clubs and seducing race horse owners (although not if he's getting serious with Grace).
On a totally unrelated note, I really hope that all of the actors are smoking fake cigarettes in this show. I think that's kind of standard practice for film sets, but I really hope they're doing that for PB because Tommy smokes like a chimney. Seriously, in two seasons, has there been one scene that included Tommy in which he wasn't smoking? I don't think there has. I'm guessing it's some sort of coping mechanism that helps him deal with his PTSD. But, like I said, I hope the smokes are fake, because Cillian Murphy is too good of an actor to get lung cancer.
Anyway, that's all for season two. I am BEYOND excited to dive into season three, so more reviews will be on the way soon.
Rating: 10/10
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