Review: Supernatural Season 7, Episode 16: Out with the Old

Man, those real estate agents were brutal. I mean, I’ve had bad bosses in my life, but I’ve never wanted to eat one of them!

On the other hand, the cannibalistic impulse of leviathans is probably the only reason Sam and Dean are alive right now. Plus, Joyce and George were VASTLY entertaining; I love their forays in office politics while trying to take over the world, one shady property deal at a time. They are hilariously incompetent.

In case you need a recap, in this episode Sam and Dean investigate a series of cursed objects that have all come from the same shop. Fortunately, Sam and Dean are able to round up all the items before the carnage becomes too bad (although there is one BRUTAL ballet slipper murder). In the process, however, they learn that there are some suspicious real estate deals going on. All the stores on the street are being sold to one particular agent (Joyce, she of the obnoxious coffee order). After some investigating—with the help of Fran—Sam and Dean learn that the leviathans are behind it. There is a confrontation at a store, and Sam and Dean manage to kill the leviathans. Which is where the cannibalism comes in. The episode ends with the Winchesters discovering Frank dead in his trailer.

I tell you what, that does NOT bode well.

Plus, I liked Frank. I didn’t want him to be reduced to gelatinous blood gloop.

Anyway, I thought this episode was really fun. Like I said, I enjoyed the characters of Joyce and George. I guess the leviathans aren’t just face-eating monsters, they’re also middle management. The cursed objects were also entertaining. Plus, I feel like we moved the main plot along a bit, which is good. We now know that the leviathans have shadowy plans that seem to involve becoming property moguls.

Well, I can say this: they’re certainly the most sophisticated monsters out there.

Rating: 8/10


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