Review: Supernatural Season 5, Episode 9: The Real Ghostbusters

That’s it. Put down your pencils. I’ve discovered the best episode of Supernatural ever, and it’s this one. Period. End of story.

Like, I cannot even begin to express to you how good this episode is.

The fans! The costumes! The Q&A! The on-theme mixed drinks! It’s all too perfect for words.

First of all, I think we all have to acknowledge how genius it is to have a Supernatural convention in an episode of Supernatural. It’s just so META—in a perfect, wonderfully amusing sort of way.

But, I think the LARP-ing is the best. It’s so WEIRD to see a bunch of randos dressed as Sam and Dean, pretending to be FBI agents. Only the real Sam and Dean get to pretend to be FBI!

Speaking of investigations, I thought the mystery in this episode was really good. Creepy, but good. I thought the murderous gang of little boys was a nice touch; man does Supernatural ever love spooky kid ghosts! My favorite moment was when Sam and Dean dug up Leticia’s bones, and the LARP-ers were like, “that’s a real skeleton!?!” and Sam and Dean were just like, “and what?” Although I have to chide Sam and Dean for not burning the boys’ bones at the same time. Even if they thought they weren’t a threat, they knew their spirits were roaming around, and they should have put them at rest. Also, I have to say— and apologies in advance for the extreme MORBIDNESS that’s about to happen— it’s totally unrealistic that someone would die that quickly from scalping. As I’ve learned from history books about the American west, scalping is often a pretty slow death, and it’s pretty common for scalping victims to survive.

But, let’s set that aside.

Speaking of CREEPY, I have to give props to Becky for being the biggest, psycho super fan that I’ve ever seen. The level of her obsession with Supernatural is pretty unnerving, and this is coming from someone who is low-key obsessed with Supernatural. I hope she’ll be very happy with my favorite author, “Carver Edlund.”

Speaking of Chuck, I think he had the line of the episode: “I'm not a good writer. I've got no marketable skills. I'm not some hero who can just hit the road and fight monsters, Okay? Until the world ends, I gotta live, all right?”

I feel that, Chuck, I feel that.

Rating: 10/10


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