Review: Supernatural Season 2, Episode 19: Folsom Prison Blues

I was HERE for this episode.

I mean, I really loved it. There was nothing that could have been improved upon; it was just as close to perfect as TV gets, IMO. I think I could rewatch this ten times back to back and not get bored of it. That’s how much I liked it.

On second thought, I could watch a whole season of Sam and Dean getting arrested and then escaping from the Feds; I’m just so entertained by it.

As I’ve said before, the whole FBI investigation subplot is super interesting to me. I want to know how the cops perceive what they’re doing and what they think their motives are. So, this episode was great for me. I love that Dean sasses the FBI agent. I love that he adjusts so quickly to being in jail (it was so funny when Sam is like “how are you so comfortable there”). I love that Dean makes friends with Tiny after he beats him up. It’s all just a fantastic, dramatic prison comedy, if such a thing exists. What would that genre be called a dramedy? I don’t know.

Per usual, Dean had the best one liner of the episode. When Sam is questioning if the prisoners were really innocent victims of the ghost, Dean says “You from Texas all of a sudden?”, when, in fact, both of the actors are from Texas. It was a great moment.

Sam also had a great line; I loved it when he said, “This is, without a doubt, the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long, storied career of dumb and crazy.” I can’t disagree with him. Who purposefully gets themselves arrested when they’re on the FBI’s most wanted list. That is, without a doubt, insane.

I also had to laugh when Sam and Dean are having their mug shots taken, and Dean is like, “I call this one my Blue Steel.” Ten points to him for that *perfect* Zoolander reference. There are so many great references in Supernatural, I can’t even stand it.

On that note, I am loving the episode titles in the season. In case you don’t know, this episode title is a reference to a CLASSIC song by Johnny Cash, who is basically the only country artist I like. It’s also a reference to one of the most famous concerts of all time, which Cash performed in Folsom Prison. Like, that’s an A+ name for a Supernatural episode.

Anyway, let’s get back to talking about the episode.

As a recap, Sam and Dean hear from a prison guard who served with their father in the Marine Corp. The guard tells them that a ghost has been haunting the jail he works at and is killing prisoners and guards. Sam and Dean purposefully get themselves arrested (which turns out to be a bad move because the FBI catches on real quick!) so they can investigate the haunting. Dean gets himself thrown into solitary confinement a few times, in very dramatic fashion. Eventually, Sam and Dean discover that the spirit is the ghost of a nurse who died in the prison. The friendly guard helps them escape from the jail, and they head to the graveyard to burn her bones. The FBI catches on to their escape very quickly, but Sam and Dean’s public defender saves the day when she sends the Feds to the wrong cemetery.

By the way, I loved Sam and Dean’s lawyer in this episode. I hope she’ll be back on the show in the future, although I doubt it. I like that she was the only one who was smart enough to actually look at the evidence and figure out that they’re not the bad guys in the situation; especially when the FBI guy was just like “nah, those people are crazy, Sam and Dean are evil.” It was also great that she clapped back at Agent Henriksen (seriously, who doesn’t hate him) by sending him to the wrong cemetery after he told her “the adults are trying to work here.” I mean, I feel like everyone—especially women and younger people—knows how it feels to be demeaned like that, so it was so satisfying when she got her revenge. Also, I thought it was kind of cute that Dean was able to charm her a bit. I mean, let's keep it real, which woman can’t Dean charm? He’s practically an Olympic champion charmer!

Also, I think it is extremely important to note that both Sam and Dean look good in orange. How lucky can you get?



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