Review: Supernatural Season 6, Episode 10: Caged Heat
This was another episode that felt like it took a MILLION years. Honestly, I was getting pretty tired of it by the end, mostly because it was just so tedious! Which is a shame because the actual content of the episode was pretty significant. Most importantly, Crowley is now dead! DEAD. Which, I’ll admit, is pretty shocking. I almost don’t believe they really killed Crowley. I bet he finds a way to come back and make more snarky comments! If Crowley is actually permanently dead, I am a little disappointed about the quality of that death scene. It just wasn’t actually that good. Kind of anticlimactic if you ask me. In other news, we learned that Sam regaining his soul might drive him crazy, which is a CONCERN to say the least. However, there are approximately nine seasons left, so I’m assuming that Sam successfully reincorporates his soul at some point. All the same, I imagine we’ll have some EMOTIONAL episodes if Sam gets his soul back and mentally dissolves because of it. We also learn...