Game of Thrones Review: Season 6 Episode 3

Guess who's back, back again, Jon Snow's back...tell a friend...guess who's back...guess who's back...guess who's back...

Well, I don't think anyone can say that that wasn't an eventful episode. Nothing major happened, sure, but it was a good story-building episode and it was jam packed with great, entertaining moments. Let's get right into it!

Favorite Moments:

And Now His Watch Has Ended: Ugh, I just love Jon Snow. I love him, I love him, I love him! I love that he's back. I love that he's still Jon (or at least he's acting like Jon). I love everyone's reaction to him. And, I'm so glad that he killed Alliser Throne and Olly. If you don't kill people in Game of Thrones who threaten you, they end up killing you -- and I am not interested in seeing Jon Snow die again. Also, I'm glad that Jon has ended his watch. Remember that the Night's Watch makes you swear to serve the Watch until death. Well, he has already died, so he's not technically breaking his oath. This frees Jon up to go and retake Winterfell and do other cool stuff. I look forward to it.

The Tower of Joy: Words cannot express how excited I am to see the Tower of Joy scene. If you haven't read the books, you might not understand the significance of this, but, if you have read the books, you know how significant this is. It is every book reader's dream to see this acted out. I don't want to spoil anything in terms of significance or theories, but suffice it to say that this was an important scene. Also, shout out to the actor who played young Ned Stark; he looks exactly like Sean Bean Jr. Not to mention that it was SO COOL to see The Sword of the Morning. The only bad thing was that they took it away from us just before Ned goes into the tower. If they don't show us the rest of the scene in the next episode, I will be SO UPSET.

The Queen of Thorns is Back: Olenna Tyrell is one of my favorite characters. She's so funny and witty and she wears fierce old lady clothes. I especially loved her little barb  to Cersei: "You're not married to the king...but I understand how that could be confusing in your family." Oh. No. She. Didn't. I look forward to more sass from the Queen of Thorns.

The Small, Small Council: Although I think Jaime and Cersei's war against the world is a terrible idea that's going to get a lot of people killed, I like their interactions. Their plot is interesting. Their plot is going somewhere...even if it's to a bloody, bloody mess. I also appreciate that Jaime is now on the small council, which is now very, very small.

Little Birds: It was kind of cool to finally meet Varys' "Little Birds." They're incredibly relevant characters, and I think they're going to become more relevant as the season goes on. Stay tuned...

Sam is Now a Father: I know that some people find Sam and Gilly to be super boring, but I find them to be cute. I thought Sam getting sea sick was particularly funny, and his caring for Gilly and the baby is, as always, very touching. Sometimes it's just nice to remember that there are pleasant, caring people in the show.

Least Favorite Moments:

Great Conversations...?: Tyrion's moment with Grey Worm and Missandei was kind of cute and funny. However, I feel like the show is really wasting Tyrion this season. Like, where has he been? What has he been doing? I want to see Tyrion do something interesting! I would also love more moments between Grey Worm and Missandei. They were so cute last season.

Tommen is Painfully Stupid: It hurts me how stupid Tommen is. Tommen has oatmeal for brains. He is a TERRIBLE king. TERRIBLE! Why are you allowing your wife to remain in jail? Why are you chatting with the religious fanatic? WHY???? I had hopes for Tommen last season, but it turns out that he's significantly stupid.

A Girl is not No One: I'm so frustrated with Arya. I know I've said this before, but I don't want her to be no one! I want her to be Arya Stark. I want her to go back to Westeros and do interesting things!

Rickon is in Trouble: I feel so sick for Rickon Stark right now. So sick. I have no interest in seeing Ramsay torture him for another season and a half. That just seems gratuitous. Placing Rickon with the Boltons has no real plot relevance, at least right now. I just hope that the producers are going somewhere with this plot, because it would be wrong to torture him just for the sake of being salacious.

Things I'm Looking Forward To:

The Tower of Joy Part Two: Like I said, I really, really want them to show us the rest of the Tower of Joy scene. Please, producers, please!

Where are Your Dragons?: I'm getting a little bored with Dany's plot. Where are your dragons? Come on now, get your dragons and burn those Khals up.

The Queen of Thorns is my Queen: Like I said, I look forward to more sass from the Queen of Thorns. She's one of my favorite characters and she's marvelous.

Valar dohaeris

Note: I'm going to be travelling for the next eleven days, so my review of the next two episodes will be very, very late. However, I will eventually review it. Do not despair!


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