Game of Thrones Review: Season 6 Episode 6
Well, I feel like I say this every week, but that was an eventful episode! However, I have to say that the biggest reveal this week for me was that Benjen Stark is Coldhands! I mean, I don't think I was alone in thinking that he didn't die (I mean, on Game of Thrones -- and in the books -- if someone doesn't die on camera, they're most likely not dead), but that was a great reveal! I have to imagine that this was originally a George R.R. Martin idea, so it's a little sad that he didn't get to reveal it in his own way in the books, but I'm still duly impressed. Anyway, let's get to the review! Favorite Moments: Coldhands, but Not a Cold Heart: Well, the Starks are certainly resurgent in season 6! Benjen Stark is back in the game, rescuing Bran and Meera just before they became zombie chow (do wights eat? I hope not). Readers of the ASOIAF books will remember Coldhands, an enigmatic character that guides Bran and his buddies to the Three Eyed Raven ...