Review: Locke & Key Season 2, Episode 7: Best Laid Plans

Well, that was a good try. 

I have to hand it to the Lockes, they had a well thought out plan, it made a lot of sense, it seemed to be pretty foolproof, and if it hadn't been for that stupid bird we'd all be singing "ding dong, the witch is dead" right now. 

I mean, they came soooo close to destroying Dodge forever, but close wasn't good enough. It's a great story telling tool because I immediately wanted to watch the next episode when this episode was over, but it was super frustrating to know that the Lockes were so close, yet so far away. 

But, before I spend too much time lamenting, we should talk about the big things that happened in this episode. 

So, let's talk about the fact that GABE HAS A NEW KEY! I am absolutely horrified. I mean, what could possibly be worse for the Lockes? The whole situation is an absolute disaster. I have no idea how the Lockes are going to fix this situation. I mean, maybe they could create a new key to counteract Gabe's key, but they would need to find some more whispering iron in a hurry. In any case, I have a feeling that they're in for a couple of disastrous episodes. Given the opportunity, Gabe could easily turn the whole town of Matheson into key zombies in a couple of days! Like I said, disaster is on the horizon. 

We should also talk about that scene in the woods, which was one of the most gripping things I've seen on this show in a long time. I was almost certain that Duncan was going to die when Javi started attacking him. The whole scene got my heart racing and my blood pumping; I was full of anxiety wondering whether or not Duncan was going to make it through this episode. I have to hand it to the writers of this episode, they know how to create suspense. 

I suppose we should also talk about Eden. It's not lost on me that she drove off in the truck and didn't reappear at the cabin. So, the question remains, where is she now? It's pretty disturbing to think that she's out in the world on her own with no one to keep her behavior in check. At least she was limited by the need for secrecy when she was with Gabe. There could be nothing worse for the world than demon Eden wrecking havoc on her own. 

Of course, another worrying development is that Josh now has the Small World Key for the doll house. I've debated with myself about whether or not Josh can be trusted as a friend of the Locke family, but I am 100% sure he cannot be trusted with a magical key. Obviously, it's far too valuable and dangerous to be in the hands of someone who knows nothing about magic. I shudder just imagining all the trouble that Josh could cause with that key. 

Plus, we haven't even considered the fact that Josh is looking for the Black Door. Obviously, he doesn't know what it's called or what it actually is, but if he becomes possessed by a demon while he's in possession of that key, there's going to be hell to pay. I mean, the fact that he's looking for the Black Door is disturbing on its own. Let's hope that the Lockes get a grip on what he's up to ASAP.

Let's also take a minute to consider Erin. I'm still angry with her; going after Dodge by herself was a really stupid thing to do, and it put the very dangerous Chain Key in Dodge's hands. However, setting that aside, I was really happy to see the Lockes giving her a proper send off. It was a really beautiful moment. 

In conclusion, I'm pretty sure this is the best episode of Locke & Key to date. Everything in this episode just worked. The pacing was good, there was drama, there was tension, and the plot was interesting and compelling. I don't think I've ever rooted harder for the Lockes than when they were running through the woods, fighting Javi, and trying to save Duncan. To me, this episode felt like a tiny, self-contained movie with a perfectly crafted plot and an excellent, cliff-hanger ending. I loved it. 

Rating: 10/10


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