Game of Thrones Review: Season 6 Episode 8

As great as Game of Thrones is and as much as I enjoyed this episode, I felt like it was a giant tease for next week's episode. All I can say is that the last two episodes of this season better be amazing and shocking, because they've been building up a lot of dramatic tension in the past three episodes and it needs to be released. Please, please, please, I just need to see Jon Snow kill Ramsay Bolton. PLEASE.

With that being said, there were some great and interesting moments in this week's episode, so let's get to the review!

Favorite Moments:

Congratulations to Arya for Finally Being Relevant: Words cannot describe how overjoyed I am that Arya Stark is finally heading in the direction of a relevant plot once again. When she said "a girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I'm going home," I was like "yeah you are! finally!" Like, I'm so happy that she's going home that I barely cared that half the episode was wasted with shots of Maisie Williams jumping off of things. (Seriously though, I do not believe that she jumped off of so many things with a giant hole in her stomach and didn't start bleeding out sooner. Doesn't she have a huge, gaping wound? Let's try for some medical accuracy, Game of Thrones). Anyway, Arya gets major points this week for killing The Waif (about time, I was starting to seriously dislike her), but, more importantly, I'm super excited to see what she does for the rest of the season. As soon as she said she was going home, I got really, super excited, and I started fantasizing about all the things that could happen when she got back to Westeros. Like, maybe she'll go straight home to Winterfell and fimnd that Jon and Sansa have retaken it and are waiting to welcome her with open arms, or maybe she'll arrive and find them seiging the castle and then she'll sneak inside and murder Ramsay in true, Faceless Man fashion. Or, maybe it'll take her a little longer to get home to the North. Maybe she'll stop in at Old Town first and meet Sam and Gilly. Or, maybe she'll start in King's Landing and work her way North while killing everyone on her list on the way (which would be so unbelieveably satisfying). Or, maybe she'll run into Brienne again and she'll be able to have the pleasure of fulfilling her vow and bringing Arya to Winterfell. Or, maybe she'll run into the Hound again. Maybe she'll kill him for real this time. Maybe...maybe...maybe...SO MANY THINGS CAN HAPPEN NOW THAT SHE'S BACK IN WESTEROS. We wasted two seasons on the Faceless Man plot, but she's finally interesting again!

If You Don't Ship Jaime and Brienne, Are You Even Watching Game of Thrones?: I guess Brienne has a bit of a love triangle going on this season. What do you do when a smoldering Wilding with a ginger beard is really into you, but your old lover -- you know, the sultry blonde with one hand and a devil-may-care charm -- comes back into your life? Someone should write a fan-fic about it! JK, they probably already have. But seriously, it was so satisfying to see Jaime and Brienne back together. Even when Brienne was telling Jaime that she might kill him, I was just screaming at my laptop, "WHY DON'T YOU KISS HIM ALREADY??? KISS HIM AND TELL HIM YOU LOVE HIM!!!" Then, when Jaime was telling Brienne that Oathkeeper was hers to keep, I was like, "Brienne, why don't you understand that he's giving you his heart! HIS HEART!" As you can tell, I ship them way too hard. (Bronn knows what I'm talking about). Like, I know that Brienne has Tormund waiting for her at Winterfell, but there's nothing like the epic romance between Brienne and Jaime. Remember that bath scene in season three? Because I do. (Or was it season four? I'm too lazy to check). Not to mention that their goodbye scene in this episode was heart breaking. This is what I want Jaime to do in the next episode. I want him to ride North after Brienne with his army. Then, I want him to fulfill his oath to Catelyn Stark and help Sansa retake Winterfell. Then, I want Jaime and Brienne to get married (maybe Tormund can be the best man or something), move to Lannisport, and have tall, blonde babies that are good at sword fighting. Is that too much to ask????

Pod and Bronn, This Week's Real Love Story: Even though Jaime and Brienne's reunion was the main romantic storyline this week, don't think that I overlooked Bronn and Pod's bromance in this episode. There's no one like Bronn to knock you down and teach you to fight. #I'mShippingBronnAndPod

I Choose Violence: In general, I dislike Cersei Lannister because she's not as smart as she thinks she is and she doesn't pull off the pixie cut. However, she does occasionally come up with brilliant one-liners. I loved her line this week: "I choose violence." Also, ten points to the Mountain for tearing that guy's head in half.

In Which the Hound Acquires New Boots: As soon as the Hound returned, season six automatically became 20% better. I forgot how much I loved the Hound and how frickin' awesome he is. I love that he casually ax murdered 4 people in 30 seconds. I love that he uses an ax to murder people. I love that he negotiates with Beric Dondarion to kill two of his prisoners, and then gets upset that he can't ax murder them (which, obviously, would have been better). I loved his line when the other guy was pointing an arrow at him: "go ahead, tougher girls than you have tried to kill me." And I really, really loved that he hung that guy with beard, then stole his boots and put them on while he was stilling kicking. I mean that was ICE COLD. I mean, I'm not even sure that Ramsay Bolton would do that. And I'm super excited that the Hound is teaming up with the Brotherhood Without Banners (the BWB, if you will). It is my fondest hope that Thoros of Myr hears that he needs to go North to fight the White Walkers, and the BWB joins Jon and his misfit Wildling army. Then, the Hound could go back to doing what he loves, which is protecting Sansa and calling her "little bird," which is only mildly creepy. But seriously, between Brienne and the Hound, no one would hurt a hair on Sansa's head again, which would make a nice change. (Unfortunately, that would also mean that Cleganebowl won't happen, but I will recover from the disappointment).

Grey Worm Isn't Funny and It's Hilarious: I don't think it's possible to Peter Dinklage to film a bad scene. I loved his scene with Grey Worm and Missandei where he was teaching them to drink and tell jokes. (Which, by the way, none of them are remotely good at. They should all stick to running Meereen because stand up comedy would eat them alive). It was wonderfully awkward, and I love it.

Least Favorite Moments:

What, Blackfish is Dead??: I'm super disappointed that we aren't going to get to see more of the Blackfish. I would have loved for him to go North with Brienne and Pod and give Jon and Sansa uncle-ish advice (avuncular advice, if you will). He was way too cool to die off screen without so much as a goodbye sword fight. I mean, in GOT there's always a chance that someone is alive until you see the body, but that was pretty unequivocal. I think he's actually dead. Bummer.

Really, You Flew in on a Dragon -_- : Considering that Daenerys flew in on a dragon, I have to say that her entrance this week was a little bit lame. Like, they hear a noise on the roof and all the sudden she's standing there? Seriously, she's not Santa Claus. She could have at least gotten Drogon to toast the slaver ships first.

Edmure Tully is Stupendously Lame: I don't think I could be any less impressed with anyone than I am with Edmure Tully. He's just so un-cool. I mean, I appreciate that he at least had enough guts to call Jaime a bad dude before he did everything that Jaime wanted and surrendered the castle. Seriously, Blackfish is such a cool uncle. Don't betray your cool uncle because Jaime Lannister tells you to. I understand that Jaime has his wife and child, but he caved way too easily.

Things I'm Looking Forward To:

Battle of the Bastard Sons: There is only one thing I want to see next week, and it's the battle between Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton. Well, preferably it will be the battle in which Jon Snow eviscerates Ramsay Bolton with the help of Lyanna-Mormont-the-Toughest-8-Year-Old-You-Know. I've waited long enough, Game of Thrones! I choose violence; give me the Battle of the Bastards!

Valar dohaeris


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