Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 4
I'm going to be honest here, I was sort of underwhelmed with this episode, but I'm going to give it a try anyway.
Oathkeeper, an excellent title for an excellent episode. I was so excited about this episode and it did not disappoint. This season has, thus far, been far and away the best. I love it. There were so many great moments, so many great foretellers of future events and plot points. All in all, I see this episode as the bridge to the next half of the season. And let me tell you something; things are really going to happen in the next half of the season. Things are getting good. So, here are my favorite and least favorite moments from Oathkeeper:
Favorite Moments:
1. Ser Pounce - I'm so glad that they included this detail from the books in the show. I mean, I think the fact that Tommen has a cat says a lot about him; he's that kid with a bunch of cats with cute names. Like, Joffrey killed kittens and Tommen has pet cats, you know because Tommen's not a psycho. Anyway, I thought the scene between Tommen and Margery was really sweet. I mean, obviously, I know that Margery's just manipulating him, but she does it so well that you almost think she cares about him. I'm also glad that they aged Tommen up in the show. In the books, he was too young to be interested in Margaery at all, but in this scene, he's completely enthralled with her; it makes their relationship a little more interesting.
2. The Kingslayer Brothers - My heart goes out to the Lannister brothers in this episode; they're just on the struggle bus. But, regardless of all their suffering, this was a great scene. I mean, honestly, I love any scene between Tyrion and Jaime, but Tyrion really got me this time when he said: "you really think I'd kill your son?" and Jaime said: "you really think I'd kill my brother?". That was just heart breaking. I mean, in the world of Game of Thrones, this is a shocking display of fraternal loyalty. I like it when HBO breaks my heart.
3. Oathkeeper - I think Jaime and Brienne should just elope together. I mean, given that Jaime has spent three seasons in the worst relationship ever with his sister, I think being with Brienne would be really good for him. Aside from that, this scene was just top notch. It's just as great to see Jaime's kinder, softer side as it is to see someone who's actually nice to Jaime. I just love Brienne's face when Jaime gives her Oathkeeper. Some men given women diamonds; Jaime Lannister gives women swords. Keepin' it classy.

4. The Targaryen Flag - This was, hands down, the best moment in episode four for me. When you see Dany standing at the top of that pyramid, just looking down, with that giant Targaryen banner handing on the harpy behind her, you're just like 'wow, this girl means business'. I mean, that was a giant banner! What's more, I think that's the first time we've actually seen the Targaryen banner in the show. The second I saw it, I was like, 'Westeros better look out'. I think that needs to be the cover of a heavy metal album like yesterday.
Least Favorite Moments:
1. Going off Book - I was so frustrated with the producers of Game of Thrones this episode. I was like, 'that wasn't in the book and that wasn't in the book and I'm pretty sure that that wasn't in the book either'. It's not like I object to the producers being creative, but there is such a thing as the Butterfly Effect. If you start changing things willy nilly, then, later, you're going to have major plot problems. I don't appreciate that. Since when do we see Craster's babies being turned into white walkers? Since when is there a Stark reunion? Since when does Lady Olenna actually confess to killing Joffrey? I mean, don't get me wrong, everyone knew that she killed him, but it seems pretty stupid to say it out loud!
Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. The Adventures of Brienne and Pod - Brienne has a really interesting, mysterious story arc in the book and I'm excited to see what they do with that on the show. Not to mention that Pod is the Neville Longbottom of A Song of Ice and Fire, which means that he's like the best person ever. Pod for president!
2. Tyrion's Trial - This is the sequence I'm most looking forward to; Tyrion's trial is going to be really something. It's going to be the biggest turning point in this season. That's all I'm going to say about it; it's going to be really something.
Valar dohaeris
Oathkeeper, an excellent title for an excellent episode. I was so excited about this episode and it did not disappoint. This season has, thus far, been far and away the best. I love it. There were so many great moments, so many great foretellers of future events and plot points. All in all, I see this episode as the bridge to the next half of the season. And let me tell you something; things are really going to happen in the next half of the season. Things are getting good. So, here are my favorite and least favorite moments from Oathkeeper:
Favorite Moments:
2. The Kingslayer Brothers - My heart goes out to the Lannister brothers in this episode; they're just on the struggle bus. But, regardless of all their suffering, this was a great scene. I mean, honestly, I love any scene between Tyrion and Jaime, but Tyrion really got me this time when he said: "you really think I'd kill your son?" and Jaime said: "you really think I'd kill my brother?". That was just heart breaking. I mean, in the world of Game of Thrones, this is a shocking display of fraternal loyalty. I like it when HBO breaks my heart.
3. Oathkeeper - I think Jaime and Brienne should just elope together. I mean, given that Jaime has spent three seasons in the worst relationship ever with his sister, I think being with Brienne would be really good for him. Aside from that, this scene was just top notch. It's just as great to see Jaime's kinder, softer side as it is to see someone who's actually nice to Jaime. I just love Brienne's face when Jaime gives her Oathkeeper. Some men given women diamonds; Jaime Lannister gives women swords. Keepin' it classy.
4. The Targaryen Flag - This was, hands down, the best moment in episode four for me. When you see Dany standing at the top of that pyramid, just looking down, with that giant Targaryen banner handing on the harpy behind her, you're just like 'wow, this girl means business'. I mean, that was a giant banner! What's more, I think that's the first time we've actually seen the Targaryen banner in the show. The second I saw it, I was like, 'Westeros better look out'. I think that needs to be the cover of a heavy metal album like yesterday.
Least Favorite Moments:
1. Going off Book - I was so frustrated with the producers of Game of Thrones this episode. I was like, 'that wasn't in the book and that wasn't in the book and I'm pretty sure that that wasn't in the book either'. It's not like I object to the producers being creative, but there is such a thing as the Butterfly Effect. If you start changing things willy nilly, then, later, you're going to have major plot problems. I don't appreciate that. Since when do we see Craster's babies being turned into white walkers? Since when is there a Stark reunion? Since when does Lady Olenna actually confess to killing Joffrey? I mean, don't get me wrong, everyone knew that she killed him, but it seems pretty stupid to say it out loud!
Things I'm Looking Forward To
1. The Adventures of Brienne and Pod - Brienne has a really interesting, mysterious story arc in the book and I'm excited to see what they do with that on the show. Not to mention that Pod is the Neville Longbottom of A Song of Ice and Fire, which means that he's like the best person ever. Pod for president!
2. Tyrion's Trial - This is the sequence I'm most looking forward to; Tyrion's trial is going to be really something. It's going to be the biggest turning point in this season. That's all I'm going to say about it; it's going to be really something.
Valar dohaeris
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