
Showing posts from August, 2021

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 19: The Chitters

 This. Episode. Was. HORRIFYING! Like, I thought the Soul Eaters a few episodes back were bad, but this was much, much worse. You have to hand it to the writers, they’re really bringing their A game with the scary stuff this season.  I can’t get that cave full of bones and carcasses out of my head. And that horrible chattering noise was just unbearable. And that glowing green egg inside that woman? UGH. Shudder. I already know that this is an episode that I’ll never be able to rewatch. It was just too disturbing.  That being said, I do have to give Supernatural props for coming up with a good premise for a “monster of the week” episode. This certainly ranks among the most creative and unique monsters that the show has come up with, and the present and past element of the episode was some really great story telling.  Speaking of which, I don’t think anyone could argue that Jesse and Matty’s story wasn’t absolutely heartbreaking. Matty’s death—and the fact that it was...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 18: Hell’s Angel

I can’t even express how happy I am that Rowena is alive. She was too good of a character to get killed off that quickly and easily. I should have known that they would bring her back! My girl Rowena is too smart to let the devil kill her. That spell she had inside her body was genius! Let’s just hope she has another backup plan because I have a feeling Amara is going to kill her again if she gets the chance. As much as I’m glad Rowena is on team Winchester, I have a feeling that sticking with Amara is probably safer right now. However, we should probably move on to the major plot points of the episode. I am very impressed with Crowley for finding another Hand of God. However, I’m not super surprised it didn’t kill Amara. Don’t get me wrong, I expected it to hurt her, but it would be too easy if it killed her. It would also be too easy if the Winchesters were able to exorcise Lucifer from Castiel just like that. It would be a bit underwhelming. That being said, I am very concerned for ...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 17: Red Meat

Okay, let’s be real, Sam should have died in this episode. I mean, he got shot, bleed out, suffocated, and then he revived and walked to his car while bleeding out again? I’m sorry, but the Winchesters are not bionic. There’s no way Sam should have walked away from that with a few stitches. That’s not to say that I’m not happy Sam is alive. Of course I am! The last thing we need is a dead Winchester who gets blasted into the outer darkness of oblivion. I’m just saying that all of this was a little too improbable. (Plus, Dean probably should have died too, if we’re being real about it). However, setting all of that aside, I have to say that this was a pretty gripping episode; it had me feeling legitimately anxious the entire time. The werewolves hunting Sam down through the woods, Corbin the other werewolf, and the reapers to boot. That was all very intense. Especially Corbin. That Corbin guy is a jerk, even for a werewolf. Trying to kill Sam when Sam was just trying to help him? That w...

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 3: Friday Night Bites (Review)

Ah! This episode! This episode is totally a classic . I mean, every teen show has to have a football episode, right? And, of course, the hero and the heroine have to be a football player and a cheerleader. Although, I’m pretty sure this episode marks the end of both of their high school sports careers. Let’s keep it real, all teen drama shows forget about school pretty quickly once things get rolling. Of course, the climax of the episode was when Damon kills Mr. Tanner, the history teacher and football coach. I know that this is supposed to make us dislike Damon, but Mr. Tanner is so unlikable I almost don’t care. Let’s keep it real, that guy is no great loss. He was weirdly aggressive towards his students, and he was a genuine jerk to everyone. Including Aunt Jenna! Like, come on now, Aunt Jenna is in a difficult situation and she’s doing her best. Plus, it’s not his place to give out parenting advice, especially not to a family that is grieving. Also, from an adult perspective, I no...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 16: Safe House

Oh my gosh! That episode was actually scary! Like, childhood nightmare, gives you the heebee-jeebees scary. I mean, I was genuinely uncomfortable watching this episode. It gave me this totally ominous feeling of badness that was genuinely disturbing. Give me Amara or Lucifer any day! I’d much rather deal with them. All the same, this episode was nostalgic in a good way. It really reminded me of good, old-fashioned season one Supernatural, when they were making a bigger effort to be actually scary (those jump-scares though!). Also, we can’t ignore how great it was to see Bobby again! Any episode that includes Bobby is a good ‘un in my book. And Rufus isn’t a bad addition either. I loved the flashbacks! Seriously, I would watch a whole season of Bobby and Rufus fighting monsters together. I also really enjoyed how the episode jumped back and forth between Bobby and Rufus’ investigation and the Winchester’s case. It was a weird but super fun mashup. If only Bobby had finished his notes; i...

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 2: The Night of the Comet (Review)

"I met a girl. We talked. It was epic.” That is such a quote! I had forgotten all about that classic Vampire Diaries utterance. I feel like it could be the tagline for the whole show. It’s also probably the most teenage sentence uttered in the entire show (that and “she’s big on texting.”). It makes me buy that Stefan and Elena are actually in high school. Honestly, that was probably the best moment of the episode for me. However, I should probably talk about what else happened. First of all, I want to comment on how the Salvatore house is absolutely GORGEOUS. Like, it’s so fancy and rich and moody and cozy, and it all just SCREAMS vampire to me. It’s so cool. Also, like, it’s HUGE. I’m surprised Zach has been able to take care of it on his own all this time. It would take all day just to clean that massive library, and the electricity bill would not be cheap. The things you think of when you’re a grownup. I also want to say that I feel bad for Matt. He gets a raw deal on this sh...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 15: Beyond the Mat

I love Crowley. Seriously, I don’t think I say it enough. He is a wonderful, hilarious, and super entertaining character. It would be weird not to like Crowley, and he is certainly the star of this episode. I love that he double crossed the demon who double crossed him. It was such a classically Machievelian Crowley thing to do! If only the Hand of God hadn’t given out at the last moment, we would have one less Lucifer to deal with! As it is, I’m impressed that Crowley managed to free himself and get away with relatively little effort. The King of Hell is back! Bravo! Also, it’s good to see Crowley out of the dog cage. He just didn’t look right without his classy black suit! On the other hand, I’m also impressed with Lucifer. Well, to be more accurate, I’m impressed by Misha Collins. Even though he has the same clothes and outward appearance, you can immediately tell that you’re dealing with Lucifer and not Castiel when he walks into a scene. He plays Lucifer brilliantly and manages to...