Review: Supernatural Season 10, Episode 1: Black
I never thought I’d say these words, but I LOVE demon Dean (Dean-mon, as I have been calling him). It’s just nice to see Dean totally unchained and doing whatever he wants! I mean, for the past few seasons, he’s been tormented by guilt and a crushing sense of responsibility, so it’s nice to see him having FUN again. Plus, it’s fun to watch Dean being a demon. Supernatural has become an increasingly serious show over the years (although, it was pretty serious to start with), so it’s nice to see some fun injected back into the series. I mean, if Dean singing a bad karaoke version of “I’m Too Sexy” isn’t fun, I don’t know what is. I don’t completely understand the nature of Dean’s particular demon, but it seems to be a little different from a standard demon. It seems like he can turn it on and off at different times, but the demon always casts a pall over Dean’s personality. It’s Dean’s natural personality for sure, just carried to extreme lengths. I’m just glad to see that Dean didn’t ...