Who Will Ride Dany's Dragons?

Which, of course, means that both Dany and Drogon are already spoken for (which is interesting because Drogon's name comes from Drogo, as in Khal Drogo, Dany's husband; which has profound implications for the intensity of their relationship; I see what you did there, GRRM). In any case, Drogon already made it pretty clear that Dany was his rider of choice when he carried her off in A Dance with Dragons. I also think it's notable that Drogon has black scales, black being one of the colors of House Targaryen (could this also have Blackfyre implications?). Although there are a bunch of people out there who seem to think that Dany is going to die before the last book, I think she's going to be in it to win it until the end and I think Drogo is going to be at her side. #DanyTargaryenForProtectorOfTheRealm
Next up: Viserion, the white dragon. I'm really gunning for Jon Snow to ride this one. I should clarify this assertion by saying that I think that the three heads of the dragon are going to ride Dany's three dragons and I don't think anyone can argue that Jon Snow isn't one of the heads of the dragon. Jon is going to be an excellent dragon rider because, weather he fully realizes it or not, he is definitely a warg. It hasn't been revealed yet if it's possible to warg a dragon, but I think it is. We already know that the Targaryens used magic and spells to control their dragons, so it doesn't seem to be too much of a stretch that Jon could warg his dragon. To be honest, my choice of dragon for Jon is really a color palette thing. For me, Jon is all about the ice and snow; as far as I'm concerned, he's a Stark through and through and he really knows the north; that's why the white dragon is ideal for him (or cream and gold or whatever you want to call it). Also, Viserion's scales should match nicely with Ghost's fur.
Rhaegal's rider is a bit of a mystery to me. It all depends on who ends up as the third head of the dragon. As things stand, the two best candidates for Rhaegal's rider are Tyrion Lannister and Young Griff/Aegon.
Of course, it's entirely possible that the riders of the dragons have nothing to do with the three heads of the dragon. That would be nice symmetry, but GRRM has never been one to make things neat.
As I said before, I think warg-ing is going to have a part to play in the dragon plot. There is a general consensus that all the Stark children have warg tendencies. I doubt that Rickon will be old enough to ride a dragon by the end of the series, so that leaves Sansa, Arya, and Bran. Bran, of course, is an obvious choice for a dragon rider. After all, he's been told repeatedly that he will someday "fly". I don't know how literally we're supposed to take that. Another possibility is that Bran wargs a dragon while another person (say, Tyrion) rides it. Somehow, I think that's unlikely, but I don't want to dismiss it.
I also think it would be super cool if Arianne Martell or one of the Sand Snakes ended up as a dragon rider. I'm not sure where Arianne's plot is going, but I love her as a character and I think it would be so rewarding to see her avenging her aunt, Elia from the back of a dragon. I don't know if you can tell, but I really, really want all the dragon riders to be female. So many women in these books have suffered so much abuse (I'm thinking of Sansa and Joffrey here), that I think it would be really satisfying to see them in the position of power.
As much as it's not going to happen, I'm going to continue to dream my Power Puff Girls Dragon Edition dream (Sansa would be Blossom, of course, #Ginger).
Valar dohaeris
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