So, the other day I was on Facebook and I saw
this article
from Entertainment Weekly, in which an artist did drawings of the cast
of Game of Thrones in 80s and 90s clothes. Needless to say, I was quite
entertained. Anyway, it got me thinking, what sort of lives would the
Game of Thrones characters live if they existed in the real, modern
world? I think it would be something like Superman's bizarro world.
Everything would be the same except their would be Starks and Targaryens
walking around and Voldemort would have a nose.
That is the parallel universe I want to live in. I mean, can you imagine a world where Tyrion Lannister is an actual
person? I think he would be either the Secretary of State or the benevolent dictator of a small country.
Modern Day Tyrion |
The rest of the Lannister's though...I don't think
they would be so successful . Like, being all murderous and bloodthirsty
is okay when you live in a medieval world where you're running the
show, but I don't think it would work out so well in the real world. I
think Jaime would probably be in jail, Joffery would be in juvie, and
Cersei would be on Mob Wives (or Mob Sisters, but, you know, same
difference). I imagine Tywin would be like the Godfather, he's already
got the dialogue down: "don't ever go against the family, Tyrion". Let's
face it, the Lannisters are basically their own little, Westeros mafia.
Like, modern Jaime even
looks like a mobster.
I Like Medieval Cersei Better |
Jaime is one of my favorite characters in
Game of Thrones, but he wouldn't do so well in the modern world. He
doesn't really think things through. He's sort of one of those impale
first, think later kind of guys. Probably what would happen is that
someone would give Cersei a funny look and he would shoot them in the
head. Then he would have to go to jail and Cersei would either start end up on a reality TV show or become a gold digger black/widow hybrid. Even in parallel universes, Cersei is still a terrible person.
Love Mobster Jaime |
Stuff happens, right? Anyway, regardless, Joffery would be doing serious time because Joffery is legitimately
Like, if Joffery is considered a little out there in Westeros, in the real
world he would be one of those people in jail who has to wear the
little mask over their mouth. I would blame it on the inbreeding, but
Tommen and Myrcella turned out perfectly normally, so you never know. I
think the only person in Game of Thrones who is worse than Joffery may
be Ramsey Bolton, which is saying something when you consider that
you're talking about a group that includes Walder Frey, the Mountain,
and Mad King Aerys.
Not a Good Place to Store a Gun, Joffery |
Speaking of crazy, if Daenerys Targaryen
existed in the real world, she would either be Lady Gaga or end up in a mental hospital somewhere
because she is absolutely CRAZY. Not Joffery kind of crazy either, like,
certifiabe. Think about it. Here's a girl who calls herself Mother of
Dragons and thinks that fire can't burn her, where does that girl
belong? Like, don't get me wrong, Dany is great and I think she's going
to be Westeros' salvation, but you can't walk around making plans to
conquer cities and calling yourself 'blood of the dragon' in 20th
century America. Figures.
Dragon-Ferrets, Super Cute |
Also, I'm not sure why the artist choose
to replace her dragons as ferrets. Like, what's the closest thing to a
dragon that's not a dragon? A ferret, obviously.
What? I mean, a
cat is closer to a dragon than a ferret. Actually, as I see dragons as a
sort of dinosaur, either a crocodile or a chicken would have been the
most scientifically accurate choice. I would even have been happy with
iguanas. So, essentially, it has been decided that Dany is better off as
a crazy ferret lady than a crazy crocodile lady. Wouldn't have been my
first choice. Although, for all of that, out of all of these drawings, I
think I would be most likely to actually wear the clothes she's wearing.
Quite chic.
Grunge Drogo |
Drogo on the other hand is in desperate
need of Armani. Not to say that the grunge look doesn't suite him, I
just think he could clean up a little bit. Though, all and all, I think
modern day Drogo would be relatively successful. He's quite pragmatic
and has good leadership skills. I could conservatively see him running
some sort of street gang that steals satellite dishes for re-sale on the
black market. Hey, there's decent money in that. It's always nice to
see people making something of themselves.
Obviously, a Vandal |
Arya would do pretty well too. She's quite
clever and adapts well to new situations. She's also had one of the
steepest learning curves of any character in the series. Unfortunately,
there's not as much of a need for assassins as there used to be. Of
course, she has a lot of other skills. She could get Gendry and Hot Pies
together and start pick pocketing people and vandalizing things. She
would be quite good at it too.
I Like N*Sync Too, Sansa |
I'm really not sure how modern day Sansa
would do though. Sansa is so idealistic and naive that life in any age
is going to be difficult for her. I grow to like Sansa more and more
with each passing book, but she's not the most pragmatic of characters. I
feel genuinely bad about all the stuff she's had to go through in the
books, but I think she's going to come out of everything okay. Her death
wouldn't serve any purpose. Obviously, George R.R. Martin doesn't kill
anyone without a reason.
Margery is a Double Agent |
I think modern day Sansa would be one of those girls
in high school who has a crush on Justin Timberlake, goes to 'Save the
Dolphins' rallies, and gets picked on my Joffrey because he's the star
of the football team and she refuses to be his cheerleader. In the end, I
kind of think she would end up as Taylor Swift. And Joffrey has sure
made sure that she has enough material to write the songs. It would be
like: "I knew you were trouble when you walked in, 'cause you killed my
wolf and my sister beat you up, now you're murdering my entire family!
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble". Or, it would be something like
"someday, I'll be queen in the north and all you're ever gonna be is
mean. Someday, I'll have a queens' guard, so you can't hit me. And all
you're ever gonna be is mean. Why you gotta be so mean? And I can see
you years from now at your wedding, choking on some poison, with that
same big iron throne, that no one wants to sit on, but all you are is
Bronn is the King of the World |
She's a real folk singer. I think the
people of Westeros would really be able to relate to her music.
Speaking of Joffery's wedding, Marjory is another person who I think
would do really well in real life. I could see her as the PR
representative of some company that makes kitty poison or a secret
agent, or something else that would utilize her crazy, manipulation
skills. That girl could sell US military secrets to the US
Seriously though, with Margery's drive and ambition she could do anything she wanted. But, without a doubt, out of all the
Game of Thrones
characters, Bronn would definitely be the most successful. I see him as a
used car salesman, ripping everyone off and making a fortune without
anything. Best of all, he would hide all his money in off shore accounts before retiring to live in the Bahamas. Sell sword don't care.
Valar dohaeris
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ReplyDeleteGreat job! But I am just looking for a fic where an ASOIAF character winds up in the 21st century. Is that too much to ask?!