The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot (Review)
Note: This review may contain spoilers for future The Vampire Diaries episodes. When The Vampire Diaries first came out in 2009, I was all over it. Which makes sense because, at the time, I was the target audience for the show. I was about fifteen years old, I had read Twilight, and I was definitely part of the pop culture craze for moody, vampire dramas. For me, The Vampire Diaries instantly became appointment viewing. Every Thursday night at eight, I made sure to be in the living room with the TV tuned to the CW (remember when you actually had to watch things at the time they aired to see them? Crazy, right? It makes me wonder how anyone ever followed a TV show, but I guess I managed it). Anyway, I watched The Vampire Diaries religiously for a couple of years, and then slowly started to lose interest. I probably made it through the first three seasons before I decided it was too much teen *drama* for me and lost interest (or maybe I just couldn’t get to the TV at eight o’clock an...