
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Vampire Diaries Revisted: Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot (Review)

Note: This review may contain spoilers for future The Vampire Diaries episodes. When The Vampire Diaries first came out in 2009, I was all over it. Which makes sense because, at the time, I was the target audience for the show. I was about fifteen years old, I had read Twilight, and I was definitely part of the pop culture craze for moody, vampire dramas. For me, The Vampire Diaries instantly became appointment viewing. Every Thursday night at eight, I made sure to be in the living room with the TV tuned to the CW (remember when you actually had to watch things at the time they aired to see them? Crazy, right? It makes me wonder how anyone ever followed a TV show, but I guess I managed it). Anyway, I watched The Vampire Diaries religiously for a couple of years, and then slowly started to lose interest. I probably made it through the first three seasons before I decided it was too much teen *drama* for me and lost interest (or maybe I just couldn’t get to the TV at eight o’clock an...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 14: The Vessel

So, I guess this is Supernatural’s answer to Titanic , huh? All it needed was a rendition of “My Heart Will Go On.” (Although, that might have been incongruous with a divine underwater explosion.) Seriously though, this was a pretty sad episode. It was tragic that those men and Delphine died on that submarine for basically no reason. None of those soldiers asked to be involved in a cosmic, divine war, and Delphine was basically just following orders. And, now that we know that the Hand of God isn’t useful anymore, it seems like their sacrifice was kind of a waste. (At least they killed the Thule though; I really hate those guys). I mean, I think the Hand of God isn’t useful anymore. We only have Lucifer’s word for it, and maybe God’s power wouldn’t work for him anyway. I hope that the boys find a way to use the Ark of the Covenant later on; it seems like this episode would be kind of a waste if they didn’t. (Although, I’m also not keen to see Sam or Dean absorbed by the awesome power...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 13: Love Hurts

Not gonna lie, this episode felt like filler to me. I’m not saying it was a bad episode or anything like that, but nothing about it really stood out to me. Plus, aside from Dean’s encounter with qareen Amara, there was nothing really related to the main plot of the season in this episode. And, let’s be real, we all already knew that Amara was Dean’s deepest, darkest desire. The only surprising thing about this episode was that Dean actually told Sam that Amara was his dark desire. Normally that’s something he would lie about. So, it only took eleven seasons for Sam and Dean to learn that open and honest communication is a desirable thing. What a shock. Otherwise, I was quite tickled by the fact that the super powerful, qareen conjuring witch was a hairdresser. It just seems so ordinary! Although, I couldn’t understand why Sonja kept all her magical stuff in her shop. If I were her, I would have that qareen’s heart in a safety deposit box or in a Swiss bank vault. I also didn’t really u...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 12: Don't You Forget About Me

Now this was a good episode! In fact, it was the best episode of Supernatural that I’ve seen in a long time. It was just such a joy to see the Winchesters spending time with Jody, Claire, and Alex. If the boys have any family left, it’s the three of them! The entire episode was very emotionally satisfying. It was so just refreshing to see a family dynamic that doesn’t just involve the two brothers picking at each other. Instead, we got to see high school drama, argumentative teenagers, and an exhausted parent (I guess Sam and Dean are the fun uncles in this situation). Like I said, it’s refreshing! It was so fun (and also a little annoying) to see Claire and Alex argue over high school teen drama and boyfriends. It reminded me of the YA books and TV shows that I used to watch as a kid. Plus, I love seeing Jody play the mom. I love her and what she’s doing for Alex and Claire. She really is the Supernatural MVP! In terms of the actual mystery, I thought this episode was pretty good. I g...

Review: Supernatural Season 11, Episode 11: Into the Mystic

That Lucifer, he’s tricky isn’t he? I don’t know what I expected, but even I was surprised by the degree of deception that he displayed. I guess they don’t call him the Prince of Lies for nothing! However, despite all of his tricks, using Dean to draw Amara out is not the worst idea for getting rid of her. I mean, he’s the only person that she has any sort of emotional connection to. You could say that he’s her only weakness. All the same, it’s really tough to see Lucifer walk around in Cas’s body. It’s so creepy to see that devilish gleam in his eyes! I have to hand it to Misha Collins; he’s an excellent actor. Somehow, he manages to play Lucifer playing Castiel with aplomb. I’m actually really impressed. It’s a superb performance. Aside from the main plot points of the episode, the “monster of the week” was also pretty interesting. I don’t think we’ve had a banshee on Supernatural before, and it certainly created an interesting plot. The final scene where they killed the monster was...