Game of Thrones Review: Season 8 Episode 2

The title of this episode should have been "sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya."

All kidding aside, I loved this episode. I loved all the emotional moments and seeing all my favorite characters (probably for the last time). However, let's be real, nothing really happened here.

As I was watching, I kept checking the time left in the episode, like "okay, I'm ready to get back to the plot now!" In another season, I would have loved seeing this episode. However, we only have four episodes left and one of them is going to be entirely the Battle of Winterfell.  That means we only have three episodes left to wrap up this huge plot! Keeping it real, we don't have time to be sitting around talking about the good ole' days.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the episode, but I worry that we're going to have to rush to wrap up the rest of the season because of it.

Anyway, I'm going to move past that concern and dive into the review.

First off, we see Jaime, who is basically on trial for all the terrible things he's done in his life. Now, I didn't think that Jaime was actually going to die. The show runners weren't going to send Jaime to Winterfell so that he could die right away. Jaime has a role to play in the fight against the army of the dead. However, it was a good dramatic moment. We got to see some more conflict between Dany and Jon/Sansa, and we got a call back to one of the best lines in the whole show: "the things I do for love." Plus, we got a reminder of all the awful stuff Jaime did over the years.

I mean, Jaime is one of my favorite characters, but he is a bad, bad person. Or, he was a bad, bad person.

However, Jaime has been largely rehabilitated as a character, as Brienne proves in this scene, which makes it okay to like him.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Daenerys is losing it? The next scene where she flips out at Tyrion has me questioning whether or not she has the temperament to sit on the Iron Throne. I know that a lot of fans are thinking that she'll go full Mad King at some point. I don't think that's the case, but she definitely needs someone who can balance her anger and help her see reason sometimes. In this episode, that person is Ser Jorah, but, in the long run, I think it might be Jon Snow.

It's true that Tyrion has been wrong a lot lately, but I think it's unfair to expect that he would be right 100% of the time. It's just not realistic; he's human, thus, he makes mistakes. A good ruler makes the best decision they can with the information that is available, and, if that turns out to be the wrong decision, they take accountability for it. That's what Dany needs to learn.

Okay, off my soap box now.

Meanwhile, things are getting hot and heavy (literally hot because, you know, fire and stuff) between Arya and Gendry in the forge. As I've said before, I really ship these characters, so I love all their scenes together. This one was particularly good. They've got great banter here; listening to their conversation, you can almost picture them as an old married couple arguing about taking out the trash (in a good way). Their chemistry is great, and you really get the sense that they've had a close relationship for a long time.

Anyway, I love that Arya is trying to pick Gendry's brain about the White Walkers, and he's like "they're bad" *pause* "really bad."

Like, o-kay, Gendry.

That was a great comic moment.

Of course, Gendry wants Arya to stay in the crypt where it's safe, but she has no interest in that. I love it when she throws the knives at the wooden pillar, and is like "death has many faces; I look forward to seeing this one." That is so punk rock!

Of course, that gets Gendry's attention real quick and in a hurry.

Next, we cut to Jaime and Bran in the god's wood. I'm glad that we got to see this scene because it's an important part of Jaime's redemption arc. Seeing him apologize to Bran for pushing him out of the window and acknowledging that he isn't that person anymore is a really satisfying moment for us as the audience. Unsurprisingly, Bran views everything that happened to him as part of his fate. What happened to him was necessary to turn him into the three eyed raven. And, of course, we assume the three eyed raven will have a big role to play in the battle to come.

After that, we get the long-awaited (by me anyway) reunion between Jaime and Tyrion. I have always loved seeing these brothers together; the actors have such great on-screen chemistry.  They climb up on the battlements and have a lovely, cheerful conversation about how they're going to die at Winterfell. Tyrion has a great moment in which he envisions himself as a zombie shuffling down to King's Landing to murder Cersei after he's dead. That's the kind of enthusiasm we need to win the war against the dead! We also get some great lines about Cersei in this scene ("she's always been good at using the truth to tell lies" and "she never fooled you; you always knew exactly what she was, and you loved her anyway").

Next, we get a scene between Brienne and Jaime (be still my heart). I ship them so hard; I can't stand it! Of course, I also ship Brienne with Tormund, so it's a very complex love triangle situation for me. Anyway, this scene is a very cute moment for me. I love how Jaime is agreeing with everything Brienne says, and she rounds on him like "you're being way too nice to me! What's up with that?" Like Arya and Gendry, Brienne and Jaime used to have that great old-married-couple banter going. But now, Jaime has realized that he's in loooove with Brienne, so he wants to fight under her (swoon). It's too adorable; I can't stand it!

We also get a glimpse of Podrick Payne. He's looking good! I think he got a haircut. Hopefully, he'll keep his head on his shoulders in the next episode.

Anyway, in the next scene, Jorah tells Dany that she needs to try to trust Tyrion and play nice with Sansa, leading to one of the best scenes in the episode: a heart to heart between Sansa and Daenerys.

This scene was so AWKWARD; it gave me so much anxiety! I loved it. Basically, Dany is trying to be BFFs with Sansa; like, she wants them to have sleepovers and braid each other's hair. For a while, it seems like Sansa and Dany are on the same page (BTW, I've never seen a bigger, faker smile in my life than the one on Dany's face), but then Sansa is like "what about the North?" When Dany pulled her hand away, I was like "come on, Dany! You have to have thought about that before!" Like, she knows that this is something Sansa cares about, she needs to have thought about this before! She needs to have an answer to that question. *Shaking my head*

By the way, I love Sansa's dress in this scene. I am liv-ing for that cool, spiky leather bodice. I'm waiting for H&M to release their version of that outfit.

Anyway, hopefully Dany and Sansa can make nice in the next episode. You know, unless one of them dies, but that's beside the point.

However, it is great to see a scene in which two powerful women debate what needs to be done to secure the future of their kingdom. It's really cool to realize that most of the powerful people on this show are, in fact, women.

The only thing I don't like is Dany's joke about Jon's height. I feel like that was uncalled for. Jon isn't that short. He's average!

Next, we have a really moving moment when Theon is reunited with Sansa. Usually, I'm bored with Theon, but it was really great to see these two characters reunite. They've shared so much suffering, and it's great to see their arcs come together again. It's also great to see Theon defending Winterfell after he betrayed the Starks and stole their home. It feels like a fitting way to resolve his character arc.

Apparently Davos can't resist little girls with hard luck stories because, in the next scene, he has an adorable moment with a little girl with a scarred face who wants to fight. She clearly reminds him of Shireen Baratheon. Gilly very sweetly tells her that she can defend the other children in the crypt. It's an adorable, touching moment. If something happens to that little girl in the next episode, I'll never forgive Game of Throne (JK, of course I will).

Next, the party has arrived because Tormund is back in town! I love how he body slams Jon when he arrives. It isn't a season of Game of Thrones without Tormund's magnificent weirdness. Of course, Tormund and his buds bring important information. The Night King is just around the corner, and he'll be rolling up any minute now. I find it somewhat unbelievable that Tormund and co. managed to beat the dead to Winterfell, but I'll let it go. I guess zombies walk pretty slow. Fortunately, Tormund still has his priorities in order because the first thing he asks when he arrives is: "the big woman still here?" Gotta love that Tormund!

Now that we've gotten the party started, we have a battle council scene. Hurray!

Bran reveals for the first time that he knows what the Night King wants. I feel like he should have brought this up before! What's the good of knowing everything if you won't tell anyone anything! SMH.

We learn that the Night King wants endless night (seems about right) and that he wants to kill Bran. Theon volunteers to protect Bran, which means that Theon is probably dead, but his character arc is pretty much complete, so I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.

As everyone else leaves the room, Tyrion pauses for a moment and is like "hey, Bran, it seems like you know a lot of stuff...maybe you should share some of that with me." Finally! I can't believe it's taken this long for someone to realize that they should try talking to the person who knows literally everything. Better late than never, I guess. Hopefully, Tyrion will get some useful information.

Next, we cut to a scene between Grey Worm and Missandei. Grey Worm promises to take Missandei back to Narth when the fighting is done, which makes me believe that he's going to die because no one gets to have endings that happy in Game of Thrones. I guess we'll have to say goodbye to one of the most adorable love stories in the GOT universe.

Next, we have a Night's Watch reunion. And now our watch begins! Oh yeah, they're back! And, guess what, Ghost is in this scene! I totally thought that the show runners forgot about Ghost. But, if they're showing him now, it probably means he'll be dying soon. Unfortunately. Well, I'm glad that the show runners found some money in their budget so that we could see him one final time.

Also, I love that Sam mentions book stealing in the list of things that make him tough. THUG LIFE.

Next, everyone gathers around the campfire to sing Kumbaya (the theme of this episode, as I mentioned above).

This is a FANTASTIC scene. The only problem is that it's way too happy and feel-good for Game of Thrones.  That means that like half the people in that room have to die in the next episode, which sucks. I just hope Tormund lives. His story about killing the giant and climbing into bed with his wife was PRICELESS! It was so priceless it should be in Master Card commercials. I was literally laughing out loud the whole time. When he started chugging the milk out of the horn, I died.

Who thinks that telling that story would impress a woman???

I'm now totally convinced that the show cannot go on without Tormund. He's too wonderfully weird to die!

Next, Arya and the Hound have a little moment together. I forgot how much I loved their scenes together. Of course, Arya can't stay long because she has to go see Gendry!

I've been shipping these characters so hard for seasons (literally SEASONS), so I was overjoyed to see them finally come together. I mean, it was super awkward to see an Arya sex scene since we've all been watching her since she was a kid, but the actress is 22 now, so it shouldn't be awkward.

Anyway, as soon as I saw that scene, my mind jumped ahead to Gendry becoming the Lord of Storm's End when Dany becomes the queen. Of course then, he would marry Arya and they could rule the Storm Lands together. Of course, that probably won't happen, but it's a lovely dream.


The next scene is the absolute best in the whole episode. THE BEST.


That's right! BRIENNE BECOMES A KNIGHT! I never knew that I wanted that scene, but, when I saw it, it was everything I'd ever wanted and more. I cried during that scene, and I know I wasn't the only one.

This scene will go down in history as one of the best moments in the history of television; I'm sure of that.

I also love how excited Tormund was about seeing her become a knight. Now, that's a supportive man!

Next, we have a little vignette between Jorah and Lyanna Mormont. Basically, Lyanna tells Jorah that she's going to fight the army of the dead, so he can step off. If Lyanna Mormont dies in the next episode, we riot! If she isn't a hero for our time, I don't know who is!

Then, we have another excellent vignette when Sam gives Jorah his valyrian steel sword. It's a really sweet moment, but it probably means that Jorah is dying in the next episode. No one gets that good of a redemption arc and lives!

After that, we get the song! Okay, buckle in because this is a treat for the book readers. I had to double check on this because it's been a long time since I read the books, but the song Podrick sings is Jenny's song. Online GOT theorists (my favorite type of people) have suggested that this song was written by Rhaegar Targaryen and is about the prince who was promised.

This scene gave me total Lord of the Rings flashbacks. It reminded me of the moment in The Return of the King when Pippin sings for Denethor while the men of Gondor go out to fight and die. It gave me chills. Chills!

Anyway, I think it's significant that the song is supposed to be about the prince who was promised because it fades in to a moment between Dany and Jon.

Now, I think Jon picked the worst possible moment to tell Dany that he's actually a Targaryen. Amirite or amirite?

Now, obviously this is going to have HUGE implications throughout the rest of the season. Dany obviously thinks that Jon wants the thrown and, for some reason, Jon doesn't prioritize telling her that that's not the case. *SMH* Hopefully they'll have a chance to finish that conversation before they face off with the Night King.

We end the episode with the army of the dead arriving and all our favorite characters preparing to face them. We've now had two *relatively* happy episodes, which means that the next episode is going to be an absolute bloodbath. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that we're going to lose a lot of people next week.

The Battle of Winterfell is supposedly the biggest battle scene ever shot, and I really don't know how it's going to go. On one hand, defeating the Night King in episode three would seem a little too easy. On the other hand, we're going to need the remaining three episodes to figure out what's going down with Cersei and who sits on the Iron Throne, not to mention finding out what happens to the rest of the characters when the war is won.

So, I think it's totally possible that we end up defeating the Night King next week. In fact, I have a theory that the battle will be won when the Red Woman (Melisandre) with the Firey Hand. We've seen that the priests of R'hllor are doing propaganda for Dany over in Essos, so it makes sense that they would rally to her cause.

It'll be be a bit of a "at dawn, look to the east" moment, a la the Battle of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers. We've kind of seen that already with the Knights of the Vale coming to Sansa's aide, but Melisandre has to come back into action somehow, and I can't think of a better way.

That being said, I still think a lot of characters are going to die next week. Here's a list of the people who I think are goners for sure:

Grey Worm - That scene he had with Missandei was too cute! No one is allowed to be that happy on Game of Thrones.

Brienne - She had her shining moment of joy, and she finally achieved all her dreams...that means she's toast.

Ser Jorah - This character has been dying to die for Daenerys for seasons now; I think it's all over for him.

Theon - Basically, the only way he can redeem himself is by dying for the Starks. Thus, it's time to say goodbye!

Davos - Davos has become one of my favorite characters lately...that means it's all over for him. Plus, he has to die defending that little girl who wants to defend the crypt!

Tormund - It hurts me to say this, but I think his milk drinking days are over.

Beric Dondarrion - All I can say is that I hope he goes down defending Gendry.

On the other hand, I think there's a group of people who are definitely safe (at least in episode three). They are:

Sansa - She's got to survive to rule the North!

Arya - She has one thing to say to death, and it's "not today."

Gendry - The show didn't bring him back to die after only a couple of episodes; the fact that he's Robert's son is going to have a role to play.

Bran - It's not time for him to die yet.

The Lannister Brothers - They have to survive to be there when Cersei dies.

Sam - He has to write Game of Thrones! We're still waiting for two books.

Lyanna Mormont - Too much sass to die. 

Now that I've made these predictions, the exact opposite thing is sure to happen, but that's what Game of Thrones is all about!

Valar dohaeris.


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