Game of Thrones Review: Season 7 Episode 7

Like everyone else in the world, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for Game of Thrones to come back for its last season. I've been spending the last couple of days re-watching season seven, and, as I was watching the last episode, I realized that I never finished my review of it. So, as we're all getting ready to shocked and awed by the last season, I wanted to share my thoughts on season 7, episode 7. Let's get into the review:


Just wow.

Let's be real, this wasn't the best season of Game of Thrones ever (more about that in my upcoming season review), but this was a very satisfying episode. I've talked about all the issues I've had with this season ad nauseum, but I have to say that--for me--this episode went a long way to making up for all of that. I don't think this was the best episode of GOT ever (that honor goes to the Battle of the Bastards episode in my mind), but it was certainly the best episode of the season.

So, let's get into "The Dragon and the Wolf."

We start off with the meeting that the last episode set up. All our major characters are in King's Landing, ready to fight to the death talk. Now, if Jon and Dany had asked me (spoiler, they didn't) if this was a good idea, I would have told them to run far, far away from Cersei Lannister as fast as possible. I mean, one does not just walk into Cersei's city and expect to live!

As everyone was walking into the Dragonpit (a great name for a heavy metal band, BTW), I was craning my neck looking for Cersei. I was fervently hoping that she was already there because when all Cersei's enemies are assembled in one place and she's not there, there's a 50% chance that there's a cache of wildfire under the floor with a countdown clock that's about to blow everyone to smithereens (one of my favorite words).

However, Cersei doesn't like to kill in the same way twice--much in the same way Hollywood actresses wouldn't be caught dead repeating outfits--so everyone gets to live for today.

We get some great--and I mean GREAT--reunions in this scene. Jaime and Brienne get to gaze at each other (why can't they just kiss already!). Bron and Pod and Tyrion are getting the band back together, and the Hound and the Mountain finally come face to face again. I am waiting on pins and needles for the Hound to kill the Mountain, and it seems like it's going to happen. The Hound mic-drops the Mountain with “You know whose coming for you brother…you’ve always known.” *Snaps for the Hound*

Next, we get one of the best entrances of all time. Remember when Lady Gaga arrived at the Grammys in an egg? Well, I think Dany just topped her. It's hard to beat flying in on a dragon. This is a great moment because everyone who is not on Team Dany is totally wigged by the dragon, but they're trying hard not to show it. Cersei's got her RBF on, but you can tell that internally she's thinking "how are we ever going to beat that?"

Then, of course, we have the great comic moment when the Hound opens the box that the wight is in and nothing happens for a minute. The sense of timing there was awesome. When the wight jumps out of the box and runs screaming toward Cersei, I have to admit that I jumped a bit, and I knew what was going to happen. Lena Headey should win some sort of award for the look on her face at that moment. It was the perfect mix of horror, disgust, fear, and rage.

For a minute, it looks like Jon and Dany's plan is going to work, but, I'm glad it didn't because that would be too easy for Game of Thrones. I was a little disappointed that Euron Greyjoy gave in so easily, but more about that later. Then, Jon had to ruin everything by being noble *eye roll.* I mean, it's true to the character, but I agree with Tyrion. He needs to learn how to lie!

I love Jon's little speech about how words have to mean something and people have to be able to trust each other, etc. It really gives a sense that Jon is overwhelmed by all this political stuff. It almost sounds like he's going to cry.

However, it ends up being worth it in the end because Tyrion and Cersei get to have a great, emotionally complicated conversation. There's a lot in this conversation to unpack: different levels of hate and resentment and the complicated relationships that make up a family. The end result is that Tyrion almost dies (which would be very GOT-esque) and Cersei agrees to the truce (kind of).

When Cersei came out and was like "I'm on the side of life, let's have a group hug!", I was like "huh, I expected something more complex from GOT." I was glad when she admitted she's going to betray them later. That's the Cersei we know and fear!

Continuing in that vein, I was really glad to see that Jaime FINALLY decided to stand up to Cersei. I've only been waiting for this for years! I'm really looking forward to seeing Jaime arrive at Winterfell next season and reunite with Brienne. Plus, I'm living for the Jaime-Brienne-Tormund love triangle sub-plot. That's the kind of content I pay HBO for. That being said, I really thought that Cersei might kill Jaime in the moment when he said he was leaving (well, order the zombie Mountain to kill him, but same difference). We haven't had a lot of major characters die this season, and Jaime's death would have a lot of emotional impact.

Speaking of major characters dying, I watched Littlefinger's death scene with a huge smile on my face. I was so profoundly glad that Arya and Sansa didn't turn on each other. The minute I realized that they were pretending there was tension between them to trick Littlefinger was a great, classic GOT revelation. Not to mention that Littlefinger's death scene was everything I ever wanted. I love that Sansa outplayed  him at his own game. I love the look on Littlefinger's face when he realizes what's happening. I love that he begs the Lords of the Vale to help him and no one will. I love that he pleads with Sansa, and she throws his own line back in his face: "When I'm trying to understand someone's motivations, I play a little game..."

Ugh, it was just such a great GOT moment!

You see on Littlefinger's face that he can't believe it's all over for him; he can't believe it's going to end this way. He's still looking for a way out when Arya cuts his throat. If Sansa had a list like Arya, I think Littlefinger would be the last name on it. All of the men who have betrayed Sansa are dead now, and that's gotta feel pretty good to her.

Anyway, it's great to see the three Stark siblings reunited and back on top (even if Bran is a little weirdo).

Speaking of Bran, I don't understand how his three-eyed-raven-I-know-everything-power works. So, he knows that R + L = J, but he doesn't know that Jon is legitimate. It seems like something I would have investigated before now if I were him. Also, I don't understand why Bran is keeping all this important information to himself. Theoretically, he knows everything that has ever happened or ever will happen. Can he offer any tips on how to defeat the army of the dead? Why hasn't he told anyone that Cersei is going to betray them? He is a deeply frustrating character.

Anyway, I'm glad Bran finally told SOMEONE that Jon is a Targaryen, although picking Sam seemed random. BTW, I'm glad Sam is back in the north. We're getting all sorts of reunions in this episode!

As Bran and Sam are having this highly interesting conversation, we finally get the moment we've all been waiting for. JON AND DAENERYS ARE TOGETHER! THEY'RE A COUPLE! Let there be rejoicing in the land! This is the moment fans have been waiting for for almost ten years. True, it's a bit weird because Dany is his aunt. However, compared to Jaime and Cersei, they're as normal as can be. Plus, IRL, medieval monarchs married their first cousins all the time, so this relationship isn't too shocking.

Of course, the most important question now is what their couple name will be. Brangelina is already taken. Will it be Don? Jany? Jaenerys? I guess we'll have to wait until next season to find out.

All of this is slightly overshadowed by the fact that the Night King has now crossed the wall. That's right, guys: the army of the dead has been walking south to the wall for approximately ten years, and they finally got there. All kidding aside, the moment when the reanimated dragon melted the wall was seriously heart-stopping. Jaenerys certainly have their work cut out for them next season.

Valar dohaeris


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