Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 9
Hm. Not gonna lie, this wasn't my favorite episode. I just don't like the episodes that are all set in one place, and The Wall isn't even my favorite place at that. I mean, this is television, I don't have the attention span for that. Also, I tend to zone out when there's a lot of long fight sequences. So, this episode review is a little biased. That being said, I still think it was a pretty decent episode.
Favorite Moments:
The Giants - I loved the giants in this episode! Loved them. I mean, whoever designed them should win a Dunkin' Donuts gift card (the highest of honors) or something, because those giants were great. I mean, they were riding mammoths; that's crazy! Plus, they had those giant bows. So. Awesome.
What Does Leadership Mean - This is a great scene between Thorne and Jon about what leadership means. I think there's a lot of truth to what he says, besides, it helps humanize Thorne (because no one likes Thorne anyway). Also, Thorne saying "Jon Snow was right and I was wrong" = gem.
You Know Nothing Jon Snow - Ygritte's death was sooooo sad! I mean, that's pretty obvious, but still, it was so tragic! I knew it was coming, but it was still heartbreaking. They never should have left that cave!
Least Favorite Moments:
Things I'm Looking Forward To:
Tyrion's Fate - There's a lot of story lines that need to be wrapped up in the last episode, but I think Tyrion is in the most dire position of any character. I'm looking forward to seeing that resolution.
More Fun in Essos - I feel like we haven't seen enough of Dany in this season, so I'm hoping we get a good scene with her in the finale.
Arya and the Hound - We left Arya and the Hound in a precarious situation last time; I'm curious to see how that's resolved.
Valar dohaeris
Favorite Moments:
The Giants - I loved the giants in this episode! Loved them. I mean, whoever designed them should win a Dunkin' Donuts gift card (the highest of honors) or something, because those giants were great. I mean, they were riding mammoths; that's crazy! Plus, they had those giant bows. So. Awesome.
What Does Leadership Mean - This is a great scene between Thorne and Jon about what leadership means. I think there's a lot of truth to what he says, besides, it helps humanize Thorne (because no one likes Thorne anyway). Also, Thorne saying "Jon Snow was right and I was wrong" = gem.
You Know Nothing Jon Snow - Ygritte's death was sooooo sad! I mean, that's pretty obvious, but still, it was so tragic! I knew it was coming, but it was still heartbreaking. They never should have left that cave!
Least Favorite Moments:
One Location - As I've already said, I am not a fan of the one location episode. Not a fan. I just feel like there's been too much time spent at The Wall this season, especially considering that this was the most significant thing that's happened at The Wall all season! If they want to do an all Wall episode, they should have eliminated some earlier scenes. Seriously! There are other important things happening in Westeros. Not to mention that the whole episode is just too intense for forty minutes of uninterrupted television.
The Tunnel - When that giant is attacking the tunnel, why don't the defenders have arrows? What is the plan there? Are they just going to stick the giant with swords through the grate? That's completely unrealistic! In the book, they went down there with arrows and spears and there were murder holes and stuff like that.
Hunting for Mance - At the end of the episode, Jon Snow decides to go and try to kill Mance. What a stupid thing to do. First of all, Jon wouldn't do anything like that without orders. It is so out of character for Jon to take things into his own hands like that. Secondly, if Jon is killing Mance because he blames him for Ygritte's death, then that's stupid too, because Jon definitely knows that attacking Castle Black was Ygritte's choice! It just makes Jon look stupid.
Things I'm Looking Forward To:
Tyrion's Fate - There's a lot of story lines that need to be wrapped up in the last episode, but I think Tyrion is in the most dire position of any character. I'm looking forward to seeing that resolution.
More Fun in Essos - I feel like we haven't seen enough of Dany in this season, so I'm hoping we get a good scene with her in the finale.
Arya and the Hound - We left Arya and the Hound in a precarious situation last time; I'm curious to see how that's resolved.
Valar dohaeris
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