Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 8

The Viper and the Mountain. Wow. This was an amazing episode! I mean, I knew how it was going to end, but it was still great. The whole scene was just so stunning. I was stunned.

Favorite Moments:

It's Not an Owl - The Mole's Town scene was great. I loved it when Gilly was standing at the window with that other woman and the other woman is like "that's just an owl" and Gilly's like "it's not an owl". You should listen to Gilly. Always listen to Gilly, she knows what she's talking about. It was just great. I especially love when the Wildlings are killing everyone and Gilly is hiding with her baby and Ygritte finds them and is just like "hush". Ygritte is tough, but even she isn't going to kill a girl with her baby. And then after that you just see blood running down the wall. Only on HBO guys, only on HBO.

Sansa's Playing the Game - To everyone who ever thought Sansa was stupid, HA! I don't know when, I don't know how, but Sansa Stark just turned into the best little liar I've ever seen! She just turns in such a class A performance. I especially love the beginning of the scene, where she's like "I have to tell the truth" and Littlefinger is just like "oh, no", but then he's like "jeez, I've taught her well". Then, there's that great little moment at the end of the scene where Sansa is pretending to cry and everyone's hugging her and fawning over her and she just gives Littlefinger this look like "your welcome, bro". She's crossed over to the dark side now.

Jorah Can't Catch a Break - Poor Jorah, he can never catch a break. I knew it was coming, but I felt so bad for him when Dany banished him, although, to be perfectly honest, he had it coming. I mean, honestly, he's lucky to be alive. You don't cross a Targaryen and get away with it. Anyway, even though I liked the book version of this better, I still thought it was well executed, so kudos Game of Thrones on crushing Jorah's hopes and dreams.

Ramsay Bolton - Let me be clear, of all the characters on the show that I hate, I hate Ramsey Snow more than any of the others. Like, I hate Ramsay Snow more than I hated Joffrey; at least Joff had fashion sense (he was always dressed for success - or murder). Ramsay Snow is a psychopath, a sociopath, and any other path you can think of (and he wears way to many earth tones). But this scene between Ramsay and Roose almost made you want to root for Ramsay. I mean, Ramsay has so obviously wanted legitimacy for so long that its sort of satisfying to see him get it. True, he had to flay a bunch of unsuspecting Iron Born to get it, but wasn't that worth the smile on that psycho killer's face? Probably not, but it was a good scene.

The Bloody Gate - This was not in the book, but I thought it was kind of great. It was so rewarding to see the Hound ride up to that gate with Arya and be like "give me all your gold" and the guards are all like "sorry, your three days too late". Arya apparently thought it was as hilarious as I did. What goes around comes around, Hound.

Don't Leave Me Alone in this World - The Mountain and the Viper scene will go down in history as the most graphic, goriest death ever to be portrayed on television. Clegane mushed his eyeballs into jelly with his thumbs! With his thumbs! What kind of freak of nature does something like that? Oh yeah, the Mountain. I mean, at least Joffrey had a face after he died. The Red Viper no longer has a face. He has bloody pulp. Pulp. Oh my goodness, I knew what was going to happen, but it still made me so angry. Oberyn had him. He had him! He knew that the Mountain killed Elia, he knew that Tywin gave the order, why did he have to hear it? Now he has pulp instead of a head. Talk about a fatal flaw. Hey, at least he heard the Mountain confess before he died.

Poor Tyrion - What can I say, Peter Dinklage is just a great actor. Tyrion's face at the end of the episode is just priceless. Priceless. He's like "he had him! he had him! what just happened??? I'm going to die now? NO! NO! WHAT?". Poor Tyrion, he can never catch a break either. I also loved his last little chat with Jaime. The beetle story was a great touch. I'm guessing Tyrion feels like one of those beetles right now, being killed for no reason at all. Ironic, huh?

Least Favorite Moments:

Mole's Town - In the books, Moles Town is underground. Which, I thought was a really cool move because it  made Mole's Town more defensible from the Wildlings. But, in the show, Mole's Town is above ground, which really bothers me, because why would you name an above ground town Mole's Town. Moles are supposed to be underground! I mean, the Wildlings shouldn't have been able to destroy the town so easily. Ridiculous.

What is Sansa Wearing? - Towards the end of this episode, there's a scene where Littlefinger is talking to Robin and all of the sudden Sansa walks downstairs in this really weird, super villain dress. I mean, it was a beautiful dress, but it was so not Sansa; Sansa looks like she's Maleficint or something. That would be a weird cross over.

Missandei and Grey Worm - I don't get where this relationship is going. Like, don't get me wrong, both Meissande and Grey Worm are great characters, but I don't see how this little sidetrack is going to have any plot significance. What are they going for here? Do they think people are going to stop watching the show because there are no love stories? News flash, there have been 0 good love stories in three seasons and people are still watching. Totally unnecessary.

Things I'm Looking Forward To: 

Arya and the Hound - Like I said, they changed Arya's plot from the books, so I'm really curious to see where they're going with this.

Tyrion - Without giving too much away, I'm just going to say that the next couple of episodes are going to be really big for Tyrion. Get ready.

Valar dohaeris


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