Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 6
Not to disparage the lovely and wonderful television experience that is Game of Thrones, but this week's episode was meh.
Don't get me wrong, Peter Dinklage turned in a show-stopping performance for Tyrion's trail, but the rest of the episode had some serious issues. Actually, even the trial had some issues. I think the problem is that Joffrey died so early in the season. Normally, big events like that are pushed back to the end of the season, because after something like that, the tension sort of dissipates and the show has a tendency to meander. But anyway, the show must go on.
Favorite Moments:
Tyrion's Trial - Peter Dinklage is such a class act. He did a beautifuel job with Tyrion's trial; it was spot on. I loved his speech at the end when he said that he was really on trial for being a dwarf. At the heart of this trial, this is really just the Lannister family duking it out. Basically, this is where all their family drama comes to a boiling point and the implications are staggering. This was just an epic scene. Loved it!
Goats! - I loved the little scene with Drogon hunting the goats. It was a great use of special effects and it was great to see the dragons again (I don't think we've seen them since the first episode!). Also, it was a good opportunity to show how dangerous they are and what they're capable of. Everyone in Westeros better watch out! Plus, as always, goats = adorable.
Least Favorite Moments:
BRB, in Braavos - What is with Stannis going to Braavos? Why? Just why? How on earth does that make sense? I'm a big fan of the Iron Bank plot, but it makes no sense for Stannis himself to go to Braavos. When you're a "deposed" king, seeking retribution and your rightful throne, it is a bad idea to leave the country. Like, Braavos isn't as far away as say, Meereen, but it's certainly not close to Westeros, especially considering that distances on maps are always longer than they appear. It's not like Stannis could just pop over to Braavos for the weekend. Yet, he leaves his army, his stronghold, and his family and sails, in one ship, to Braavos. What King goes anywhere in just one ship?! First of all, it's not safe, and secondly, no one's going to take you seriously if you turn up with like 10 guys and expect everyone to be like 'all hail the king'. Of course, Stannis is a smart dude, so he would know all of this and not go to Braavos or, at least, go to Braavos with a proper escort. Besides, it would make far more sense for Stannis to just send Davos to Braavos for him. There was no reason for Stannis to go to Braavos in person. He didn't even say that much anyway! #OneDoesNotSimplyGoToBraavos
Theon or Reek - I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am so over the Dreadfort. First of all, the show made Theon's torture way too graphic. I'm not opposed to graphic violence if it serves the plot, but there was absolutely no reason to graphically depict flaying someone alive. This is especially true because, after all that torture, Theon looks exactly the same. In the book, he had grey hair and was all wrinkled and toothless and stuff. No offense to Alfie Allen's acting, but Theon just doesn't seem like the emotionally/psychologically scarred man he does in the books. Aside from all of that, we are still left with the disastrous Dreadfort scene in this episode. What was going on with Yara here? (BTW, why did they change her name from Asha? What was wrong with Asha? I liked the name Asha) I liked the idea of her attempting to rescue Theon, but, this scene was really poorly done. First of all, how did Yara even get into the Dreadfort? And how did she get out? One minute, Ramsy Snow is about to set his dogs on her and the next minute she's climbing back on her ship. What is going on??? The whole thing just seemed sloppy and well below Game of Thrones standards.
Things I'm Looking Forward To:
More Sansa - I know that I keep talking about how great and interesting Sansa Stark is as a character, but it's only because it's true. Also, as those of you who read the books know, there are big events on the horizon at the Eyrie. Stay tuned for more.
More Dany - If Game of Thrones was just the Dany/Sansa/House of Lannister show, I would be completely fine with that. After Sansa, Dany is definitely my favorite character. Her scene this week was sort of lackluster and short, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing her (and possibly her belly button - as was teased in the trailer) in episode 7.
Trial By Combat - If you've read the books, you know that Tyrion's trial by combat turns out to be quite the event, for a number of reasons. But, whichever way you slice it, it's going to be a turning point in Tyrion's character arc and the show in general. So turn down for trial by combat.
Valar dohaeris
Don't get me wrong, Peter Dinklage turned in a show-stopping performance for Tyrion's trail, but the rest of the episode had some serious issues. Actually, even the trial had some issues. I think the problem is that Joffrey died so early in the season. Normally, big events like that are pushed back to the end of the season, because after something like that, the tension sort of dissipates and the show has a tendency to meander. But anyway, the show must go on.
Favorite Moments:
Tyrion's Trial - Peter Dinklage is such a class act. He did a beautifuel job with Tyrion's trial; it was spot on. I loved his speech at the end when he said that he was really on trial for being a dwarf. At the heart of this trial, this is really just the Lannister family duking it out. Basically, this is where all their family drama comes to a boiling point and the implications are staggering. This was just an epic scene. Loved it!
Goats! - I loved the little scene with Drogon hunting the goats. It was a great use of special effects and it was great to see the dragons again (I don't think we've seen them since the first episode!). Also, it was a good opportunity to show how dangerous they are and what they're capable of. Everyone in Westeros better watch out! Plus, as always, goats = adorable.
Least Favorite Moments:
BRB, in Braavos - What is with Stannis going to Braavos? Why? Just why? How on earth does that make sense? I'm a big fan of the Iron Bank plot, but it makes no sense for Stannis himself to go to Braavos. When you're a "deposed" king, seeking retribution and your rightful throne, it is a bad idea to leave the country. Like, Braavos isn't as far away as say, Meereen, but it's certainly not close to Westeros, especially considering that distances on maps are always longer than they appear. It's not like Stannis could just pop over to Braavos for the weekend. Yet, he leaves his army, his stronghold, and his family and sails, in one ship, to Braavos. What King goes anywhere in just one ship?! First of all, it's not safe, and secondly, no one's going to take you seriously if you turn up with like 10 guys and expect everyone to be like 'all hail the king'. Of course, Stannis is a smart dude, so he would know all of this and not go to Braavos or, at least, go to Braavos with a proper escort. Besides, it would make far more sense for Stannis to just send Davos to Braavos for him. There was no reason for Stannis to go to Braavos in person. He didn't even say that much anyway! #OneDoesNotSimplyGoToBraavos
Theon or Reek - I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am so over the Dreadfort. First of all, the show made Theon's torture way too graphic. I'm not opposed to graphic violence if it serves the plot, but there was absolutely no reason to graphically depict flaying someone alive. This is especially true because, after all that torture, Theon looks exactly the same. In the book, he had grey hair and was all wrinkled and toothless and stuff. No offense to Alfie Allen's acting, but Theon just doesn't seem like the emotionally/psychologically scarred man he does in the books. Aside from all of that, we are still left with the disastrous Dreadfort scene in this episode. What was going on with Yara here? (BTW, why did they change her name from Asha? What was wrong with Asha? I liked the name Asha) I liked the idea of her attempting to rescue Theon, but, this scene was really poorly done. First of all, how did Yara even get into the Dreadfort? And how did she get out? One minute, Ramsy Snow is about to set his dogs on her and the next minute she's climbing back on her ship. What is going on??? The whole thing just seemed sloppy and well below Game of Thrones standards.
Things I'm Looking Forward To:
More Sansa - I know that I keep talking about how great and interesting Sansa Stark is as a character, but it's only because it's true. Also, as those of you who read the books know, there are big events on the horizon at the Eyrie. Stay tuned for more.
More Dany - If Game of Thrones was just the Dany/Sansa/House of Lannister show, I would be completely fine with that. After Sansa, Dany is definitely my favorite character. Her scene this week was sort of lackluster and short, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing her (and possibly her belly button - as was teased in the trailer) in episode 7.
Trial By Combat - If you've read the books, you know that Tyrion's trial by combat turns out to be quite the event, for a number of reasons. But, whichever way you slice it, it's going to be a turning point in Tyrion's character arc and the show in general. So turn down for trial by combat.
Valar dohaeris
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