Game of Thrones Review: Season 7 Episode 6

Guys, this episode was A LOT. It was almost too much. It was a lot to take in. Just a lot. Like, I had some issues with this episode, which I'm going to go into later, but you can't fault this episode for not being eventful. It was pleanty eventful. I mean, there was a zombie polar bear and a zombie dragon. It doesn't get much more eventful than that. We start off with Jon's Dream Team (Magnificent Seven? Suicide Squad? Pick the right nickname) tramping through the snow as they cheerfully go in search of a zombie to capture. Dude. No group of people has ever been less concerned about embarking on a mission that is probably going to get them all killed. And, when I say probably, I mean that there's a 95% chance. Also, did I miss the scene where they talked over their plan? At least, I assume they made a plan before they embarked on this suicide mission. But I don't really care about this because, instead of doom and gloom and conversations about strategies, we ...