Game of Thrones Review: Season 8 Episode 2

The title of this episode should have been "sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya." All kidding aside, I loved this episode. I loved all the emotional moments and seeing all my favorite characters (probably for the last time). However, let's be real, nothing really happened here. As I was watching, I kept checking the time left in the episode, like "okay, I'm ready to get back to the plot now!" In another season, I would have loved seeing this episode. However, we only have four episodes left and one of them is going to be entirely the Battle of Winterfell. That means we only have three episodes left to wrap up this huge plot! Keeping it real, we don't have time to be sitting around talking about the good ole' days. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the episode, but I worry that we're going to have to rush to wrap up the rest of the season because of it. Anyway, I'm going to move past that concern and dive into the review. Fi...