
Showing posts from June, 2014

Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 10

Warning: SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! Wow, I can't believe it's over! I feel like we just started Season 4 and we're already done! Not cool! I can't wait another year for Season 5! Oh well, at least True Blood starts next week. That being said, let's talk about the finale of Season 4. In general, I thought that this was a really great finale, but after they said "this is going to be the best finale EVER", I was sort of expecting more. I just felt that it lacked a good cliffhanger. Let's break it down. Favorite Moments: Longest Episode Ever - First off, I was really excited that this episode was longer than usual. I think they should make that the standard for finales. Game of Thrones just has so much material to cover, so I think it's great that they gave us an extra twenty minutes to get some extra material in. Happy Father's Day, Tywin - The fact that this episode aired on father's day was brilliant. It was not a good episode fo...

Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 9

Hm. Not gonna lie, this wasn't my favorite episode. I just don't like the episodes that are all set in one place, and The Wall isn't even my favorite place at that. I mean, this is television, I don't have the attention span for that. Also, I tend to zone out when there's a lot of long fight sequences. So, this episode review is a little biased. That being said, I still think it was a pretty decent episode. Favorite Moments: The Giants - I loved the giants in this episode! Loved them. I mean, whoever designed them should win a Dunkin' Donuts gift card (the highest of honors) or something, because those giants were great. I mean, they were riding mammoths; that's crazy! Plus, they had those giant bows. So. Awesome. What Does Leadership Mean - This is a great scene between Thorne and Jon about what leadership means. I think there's a lot of truth to what he says, besides, it helps humanize Thorne (because no one likes Thorne anyway). Also, Thorne sa...

Game of Thrones Review: Season 4 Episode 8

The Viper and the Mountain. Wow. This was an amazing episode! I mean, I knew how it was going to end, but it was still great. The whole scene was just so stunning. I was stunned. Favorite Moments: It's Not an Owl - The Mole's Town scene was great. I loved it when Gilly was standing at the window with that other woman and the other woman is like "that's just an owl" and Gilly's like "it's not an owl". You should listen to Gilly. Always listen to Gilly, she knows what she's talking about. It was just great. I especially love when the Wildlings are killing everyone and Gilly is hiding with her baby and Ygritte finds them and is just like "hush". Ygritte is tough, but even she isn't going to kill a girl with her baby. And then after that you just see blood running down the wall. Only on HBO guys, only on HBO. Sansa's Playing the Game - To everyone who ever thought Sansa was stupid, HA! I don't know when, I don't kn...

I Do Not Have A Gentle Heart: Some Thoughts on Women in Game of Thrones

So, I recently bought this Game of Thrones t-shirt because I really love this phrase. 'I do not have a gentle heart', that is such a great and descriptive phrase. In case you don't know 'I do not have a gentle heart' describes Dany Targaryen and it's sort of her motto for season 4 of the TV show. Anyway, I got to thinking about what exactly this phrase means. One of the reasons I like Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire so much, is that the characters are so realistic and well rounded, especially the female characters.  So often in fantasy novels that take place in a medieval world, the female characters take one of three forms: the tough but noble  do-gooder, the evil queen, and the locked in a tower princess. I think this is partly because  medieval writers had an extremely limited vocabulary when describing women, so fantasy writers who look back to that time period think that only two types of women existed in the medieval age: t...